Murat-bey’s Turbe, Sarajevo

Murat-bey’s Turbe, Sarajevo
Next to his turbe Ghazi Husrev-bey built a smaller turbe of hexagonal shape for Murat-bey Tardić. Murat-bey was a freed prisoner of war who embraced Islam.

Next to his turbe Ghazi Husrev-bey built a smaller turbe of hexagonal shape for Murat-bey Tardić. Murat-bey was a freed prisoner of war who embraced Islam.

Based on a chronicle which describes the military Dalmatia from 1536 we find out the following:

"This Murat-bey, who was later decorated in a desperate battle near Gorjan, was, according to Ištvanfy, from Šibenik, and in his youth he came into Turkish slavery and as a slave came to Ghazi Husrev-bey court where in time he was appointed duke… We have determined, from the above text, that this statement of his descent is trustworthy. We were also able to determine that Murat-bey had a brother in Šibenik, a priest by the name of Jurje Tardić, and this brother of his, as we were able to understand from a report by a Šibenik prince dated 30 May 1526, was a canon of a chapter house and had remained on brotherly terms with his brother Murat, at that time a gate-keeper of Ghazi Husrev-bey, since that same spring he was in Sarajevo paying him a visit, and it was his intention, as we had come to understand from that same report, to visit his brother again."

Also, in 1528 Murat-bey conquered the fortified city of Jajce. Siimilarly, in 1537 he did the same with the impregnable city of Klis and the entire Military Border in Croatia and Slavonia.

"And that’s how one of the most important strategic places on the coast of Adriatic Sea, tough (unconquerable) city of Klis, fell under Ottoman rule and later became the seat of the newly formed Klis sanjak in which, at the suggestion of Ghazi Husrev-bey, Murat-bey was appointed its first sanjak-bey and from that time was given the name of Gazi Murat, and to reward his bravery the Sultan himself, according to the historian Muvekkit, granted him the zijamet and Murat was given the title of bey."

All in all, after he became well known in the wars against the Venetian Republic as well as Austria, unfortunately, he died in 1546 as the Sanjak-bey of Slavonia. His body was moved to Sarajevo and placed inside the smaller turbe.

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