Mevlevi Tekke, Sarajevo
The new tekke, built as a part of the Memorial Complex on Kovači, bellow Yellow Fortress, was one of the first Islamic places of worship in Sarajevo.
The Mevlevi Tekke was built on Bentbaša in 1462 by Isa Beg Isaković and destroyed in 1697, when Eugene of Savoy attacked Sarajevo. After it is rebuilt in 1781, it was destroyed again by Communist authorities in 1957. A complete reconstructin is done on April 6, 2013 when the tekke was officially opened.
The Mevlevi Tekke represents a symbol of the revival of the forgotten dervish tradition in Sarajevo. The site is surrounded by greenery and nature, with a great view over old part of town. The main goal of its reconstruction was to return Sarajevo its old dervish order, which existed here for centuries.