Stećci, monumental medieval tombstones

Stećci, monumental medieval tombstones
Stećci is the name for monumental medieval tombstones that lie dissipated across Bosnia and Herzegovina. An estimated 60,000 are found within the borders of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Stećci is the name for monumental medieval tombstones that lie dissipated across Bosnia and Herzegovina. An estimated 60,000 are found within the borders of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Appearing in the 11th century, the tombstones reached their peak in the 14th and 15th century, before disappearing during the Ottoman occupation. They were a common tradition amongst Bosnian Church, Catholic and Orthodox followers.

The epitaphs on them are written in Bosnian Cyrillic alphabet and the alphabets appurtenant to the Bosnian church and medieval Kingdom of Bosnia. Throughout the Bosnia and Herzegovina you can find collections of monoliths, that are jewelled with different animals as well as ornaments. 


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