Bosnian coffee (Bosanska kahva)

Bosnian coffee is a part of the Bosnian and Herzegovinian identity. It is the symbol of the country and a part of its tradition.
Good Bosnian coffee has its own tradition and method of preparation.
Preparation of the traditional Bosnian coffee begins with the roasting of raw coffee. Coffee grounds are roasted in a shish, a simple metal cylinder at the end of a long skewer. Unfortunately this practice is almost extinct. Coffee roasted in this way should never be put in an electric grinder as over grinding affects the taste of coffee. This theory is not scientifically proven but is widely believed.
Then, in a gently heated metal pot with wide, flared-out base, in Bosnia called džezva, finely grinded coffee is put to which is added boiled water. Džezva is then placed on a hot plate. The coffee in the džezva should be stirred once and then one should wait for the coffee to get up to the top of the džezva, and makes fine mousse. Add a few drops of hot water so that the coffee drags fall to the bottom. Wait a couple of minutes until the coffee dregs settle and pour the coffe into fildžan (a small ceramic cup) and serve with rahat lokum.
Bosnian coffee is served in a full džezva (which holds three cups of coffee) on a round iron tray with an empty, ceramic cup (fildžan), a glass of water, a dish full of sugar cubes and a rahat lokum, a Bosnian candy that foreigners might call Turkish delight.
In Bosnia, coffee has different names, depending on WHEN you drink it - razgalica in the morning, razgovoruša a little later on, and sikteruša following a meal.
In Bosnia and Herzegovina coffee is an integral part of our culture. An invitation for a coffee rarely means the necessity of a shot of caffeine to stay awake or make it through the workday. Coffee here is an invitation for conversation. This implies time and making time for friends and family is something that is valued above most other things.