Skinula sam se kod ginekologa, a on je ZINUO KADA ME JE VIDiO: Na Instagramu me vrijeđaju, a sve je počelo kada mi je dečko REKAO OVO

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 Skinula sam se kod ginekologa, a on je ZINUO KADA ME JE VIDiO: Na Instagramu me vrijeđaju, a sve je počelo kada mi je dečko REKAO OVO

Dejna (32) iz Portlanda u Oregonu prije dve godine obolela je od hirzutizma, stanja pojačane, muške maljavosti kod žena. Uz podršku svog dečka, odlučila je da potpuno prekine sa depilacijom.

Dejnu su kao malu upoređivali sa čudovištem Seskvočem zbog pretjerane maljavosti, pa je sa brijanjem počela već sa osam godina. Međutim, dlake su bile tako jake da joj ništa nije pomagalo, uključujući i laser.

 Na ginekološkom pregledu prije dve godine saznala sam da zapravo imam hirzutizam. Sećam se tog pregleda, bio je muški ginekolog, a ja se godinu dana nisam depilirala. Kada sam se skinula, bukvalno je zinuo od šoka, Pregledao me je i ustanovio mi hirzutizam - kaže ova mlada žena.


Another aspect of understanding sexual energy between two people is emotional intimacy, an instinctive desire to bond to a lover, to feel comfort, to be known. This makes the difference between pure physical sex and lovemaking. Emotional intimacy comes from affection, from sharing feelings, from being vulnerable. By caring, you reinforce each other’s attractiveness and make each other feel special. As friends and lovers, you are fundamentally there for each other which creates trust. You see each other as real people, the good and the bad, not some idealized version. When conflict, anger, or hurt feelings arise you’re committed to working through them. Bring your fears and insecurities to a partner in an undefended way. When you share all parts of yourself, even your secrets, you can truly surrender. -Tantric sexuality teacher David Deida. . Sexual activity benefits your body in many of the same ways as exercise, boosting heart health and immunity and lowering blood pressure Sex is linked to improved sleep, intimacy and self-esteem and it may also lower your stress levels and provide pain relief A healthy sex life is a key part of a healthful lifestyle; if your sex life needs a boost, nutritional and emotional factors may need to be addressed . . . So many are uncomfortable to even talk about sexual energy. In the early days of my chronic illness I often felt like my skin was sunburnt, and experienced a lot of deep stabbing pains in my muscles, sex was the last thing on my mind. After changing my diet, and doing some physical therapy, I realized sex made a big difference in my symptoms with regular doses. ???? *No not everyone feels the same, or is even interested, just one of the things that has helped me heal. ???? . . #sexed #exercise #healthylifestyle #selflove #chronicpain #fibromyalgia #youdontlooksick #hairdontcare #hippiegoddess #januhairy #bodypositive #noshavelife

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Kako kaže, dečko ju je dugo gledao kako se muči da ukloni malje, a bez rezultata, te joj je na kraju predložio da prosto prestane sa tim.

 Mislila sam da me zeza, ali bio je ozbiljan, a to je bilo na početku naše veze. On mi je pomogao da se oslobodim stida od sopstvenih malja. Da nema njega, nikad ne bih imala hrabrosti za tako nešto. Međutim, baš zbog njegove podrške ohrabrila sam se čak i da kačim svoje maljavo tijelo na Instagram. Dobijam mnogo uvreda, ali i mnogo poruka žena koje ohrabrujem i inspirišem, što mi je i bio cilj. Želim da žene shvate da sa maljama nisu odvratne i gnusne, već lijepe kao i bez njih - zaključuje ona.

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