Ona se naziva 'plus size' manekenkom i ima 130 kilograma: Kada vidite ostatak fotografije NEĆE VAM BITI DOBRO! (FOTO)

Ona se naziva 'plus size' manekenkom i ima 130 kilograma: Kada vidite ostatak fotografije NEĆE VAM BITI DOBRO! (FOTO)

Tess Holiday, plus size model, osvanula je  na naslovnici britanskog izdanja Cosmopolitana. 


Sunday was #womensequalityday & I’m grateful to not only be my own boss, but to be able to empower a team of women who help me everyday to be the best I can be, and to spread our message of self love. . . I remember the exact moment I decided to make the leap to being self employed. My boss was taking his 3rd vacation that year, and although he’d definitely worked hard - so had I - and I hadn’t been given an opportunity to even have one. . I was privileged to be in a position to make that work - but all of us have the power to change not only our own life, but the lives of women around you. Stand up for the welfare of your fellow women - the immigrants, the LGBT, the people of color. Less than 100 years ago women couldn’t even vote - don’t waste your opportunity to be counted on the right side of history. Outfit is @modcloth ????✨ ???? @iloveuhoneybunny Glam @hisvintagetouch @shablamgela #modclothsquad #effyourbeautystandards

Objavu dijeli ???? T E S S ???? (@tessholliday)

32-godišnja manekenka ima 130 kilograma, a visoka je tek 168 centimetara što se smatra kliničkom pretilošću, ipak Tess je ponosna na svoj izgled i ohrabruje žene da vole svoje tijelo bez obzira na njegovu veličinu.

Žene diljem svijeta pohvalile su njezin izgled, ali i činjenicu da se krupna djevojka pokazala na naslovnici popularnog časopisa, i još u takvom izdanju.


????Big hair, big boobs, & BIG MOOD ???????? Outfit @prettylittlething

Objavu dijeli ???? T E S S ???? (@tessholliday)

ZA NJOM SE SVI OKREĆU: Ova manekenka ostavlja sve BEZ DAHA, ali kad joj vidite noge ništa vam neće biti jasno 


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