
Život nije savršen, te svako od nas se mora suočiti sa određenim teškoćama u nekom trenutku. 

Neki ljudi uživaju u suočavanju sa izazovima. No, u svakom slučaju, samo snaga duha i odlučnosti mogu vam pomoći da prevaziđete bilo kakve prepreke na svom putu. 

Ovo su fotografije ljudi koji su se morali suočiti sa svojim strahovima, neke od njih će vas  posebno inspirisati.  

Učesnik turnira na motokrosu


Ovaj čovjek pokušava da pređe konopac dužine 500 metara u dolini Castle.



Žena sa dijagnozom raka se bori protiv njene bolesti ekstremnim planinskim penjanjem.



If looks could kill ????

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Ovaj putnik završava svoj 49-dnevno putovanje Atlantikom. Sve vrijeme je bio sam na svom brodu i morao je da se kreće 16 sati svakodnevno. Postavio je svjetski rekord!



Ljudi iz sela Guizhou su uvijek sanjali o tome da imaju sopstveni izvor vode. Zahvaljujući istrajnosti ovog čovjeka, njihov san postao je stvaran. Nakon 36 godina napornog rada, ljudi su iskopali kanal od 9.400 m.



Poslije pohađanja večernje škole, podizanja porodice i punog radnog vremena, ovaj čovjek je heroj. 



Mjeseci obuke i volja pomogli su ovoj pjevačici da vrati mobilnost i zaboravi na svoj štap nakon amputacije noge. Sada ponovo može plesati. 


Happy #nationaldanceday #commonwealthclassicchampionships

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I did it!!!

A post shared by Adrianne Haslet (@adriannehaslet) on


Planinari odmaraju na El Capitan. 


Fotograf rizikuje svoj život fotografisanjem otrovne vodene kobre.


Photo by @mattiasklumofficial for @natgeo Deadly encounter... Not really... People frequently explain to me that I have a dangerous job. Working close to elephants, tigers, polar bears, leopards, lions, sharks, illegal logging operations and venomous snakes such as this beauty. In my line of work doing serious research and reading nature well is key! It'll get my closer to my subjects and it has so far kept me alive! During a @natgeo assignment in the republic of Congo I managed, with kind assistance from Samuel, (my camera assistant at the time) and Zoltan (a great herpethologist), to close in on this beautiful and highly venomous banded water cobra! It resulted in a series of unique images of this rarely seen species. Go to @mattiasklumofficial if you want see some "result-pictures". Photo by #samuelsvensäter/Tirragrande Productions #grateful #teamwork #determination #respectnatur #watercobra #congo #cobra #snake #conservation #rainforest #respect #photooftheday #protectbiodiversity #bestjobintheworld #instagood @irisalexandrov @mattiasklumcollection @thephotosociety @natgeo

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Ronilac i "tigar ajkula" u blizini sjevernih Bahama.


Photo by @BrianSkerry. A massive Tiger Shark goes nose to nose with a diver on the sand flats of the northern Bahamas. Though these sharks have often been portrayed as monsters, in reality, they are complex and valuable predators that operate to maintain a stable ecosystem. This region of the Bahamas has been identified as a place where many pregnant female tiger sharks spend time, and it is believed that the shallow, warm water helps with gestation. Sharks play a vital role in the health of oceanic habitats as the removal of these predators would contribute to the collapse - like a house of cards - of the whole ecosystem. Despite this fact, more than 100 million sharks are killed each year, primarily for their fins (which are used in shark fin soup). In the last sixty years, we have lost a majority of shark populations thereby decreasing the health of our oceans. To learn more about these amazing creatures, and to see more underwater photography, follow me on Instagram, @BrianSkerry. @thephotosociety @natgeocreative #tiger #shark #tigershark #bahamas #diver #underwater #photography #scuba #photo #tropical #bahamas #caribbean #natgeo #onassignment #photooftheday

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Balerina odmara nakon operacije. 


Planinari i osvajaju glečer Everesta, rizikujući život u svakom trenutku.


Photo by @renan_ozturk @khumbuclimbingcenter // Oxygen tanks, heavy loads, and precarious steps on Everest. Three years ago today, the day after this picture was taken, a 30-million-pound block of ice collapsed above the treacherous icefall on the standard climbing route. It killed 16 Nepalese high-altitude workers. ~ This is what it looks like for a lot of these workers inside the the Khumbu icefall. While most Westerners only go through the icefall a few times a season, these guys do countless rotations up and down to stock the upper camps. The icefall, a necessary hazard of climbing the south side of Everest, is a maze of giant ice towers and crevasses that can, and do, collapse without warning. These rickety ladders must be continuously re-jiggered throughout the season. In base camp after the avalanche tragedy, we saw the size of the loads some of the Sherpas were carrying that day. They were so huge it made it near impossible to run away from the falling ice blocks. These are the hazards that everyone faces though—Sherpas, Western guides, and climbers together. ~ I was there as part of a film project to document the Sherpas perspective on Everest over the years—this was the breaking point for the high-altitude workforce and a chance to portray the state of affairs and lack of government support. This accident did not slow down the international desire to stand on top of the world. But it did shift the way in which these workers are compensated and insured. The season was canceled, and it became clear to the world that to summit Everest requires the support of these Nepalese people. ~ #russianrulette #dangerousjobs #NepaliLoveYou #SherpaFilm #HeroesOfTheHimalya @conrad_anker @jenniloweanker

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Majka nosi dijete na leđima dok radi u poljima riže. 


Učesnik Austinskog maratona puzi preko ciljne linije.


13-godišnja djevojčica koja pati od rijetke bolesti uvijek je sanjala o upoznavanju igrača jednog od najvećih fudbalskih timova u Turskoj. Njen san se ostvario.


Granice ne postoje ako se borite za ono što vas čini sretnima. 


Kao djevojčica, ova žena je patila od cerebralne paralize i doktori nisu mislili da će preživjeti. Ali njena volj joj je pomogla da prevaziđe bolest .




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