Bijambare Caves, Sarajevo
The Bijambare area, famous for its caves, is located on the far north-eastern slopes of Ilijaš, a small town near Sarajevo. The area is ideal for outdoor picnics, fishing, hiking, speciological research etc.
The complex is compromised of several caves but only three are open to visitors. After we reach the Caves complex, first we shall have the opportunity to see Gornja cave (upper-cave). Gornja cave is the oldest cave in Bijambare area. It is neither a big speleological structure nor does it have the beautiful decoration which make Srednja cave so attractive. However it hides the most important records of the past fauna and mankind prehistory.
The most popular is Srednja cave (mid-cave). It is over 400 m long with hall that branches into four ventricle decorated with stalactities from the cave roof extending into spectacular curtains and stalagmites which form the cave floor. Anywise, it is the most interesting and most exciting part of this visit.
One of the halls is commonly called “concert-hall” due to its impressive size. The cave is rich with cave “jewellery” forms such as stalactites, stalagmites, curtains, basins and side-blocks. The last cave in this three-cave complex is Donja cave (lower-cave) which we also need to visit and investigate.