Nakon 18 godina prvi put obukla bikini i postala hit na internetu (FOTO)

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Nakon 18 godina prvi put obukla bikini i postala hit na internetu (FOTO)
Svi bismo na ovu rečenicu očekivali neku atraktivnu djevojku sa nesvakidašnjim isklesanim tijelom, ali u biti ona ima nedostatke.

Lesley Miller (21) je je nakon 18 godina prvi put obukla bikini i oduševila je ljude na internetu. Svi bismo na ovu rečenicu očekivali neku atraktivnu djevojku sa nesvakidašnjim isklesanim tijelom, ali u biti ona ima nedostatke. Nakon što je prošla kroz niz traumatskih iskustava tijekom cijelog svog života, kako bi smršala, ona je zapravo osoba koja je velika inspiracija za mnoge.

Već sa sedam godina je išla u kamp za mršavljenje, a prvi put je išla na kirurško odstranjivanje masnih naslaga kada je imala samo 11 godina, a drugu s 15 godina, piše Aol.

Nakon svega što je prošla, ostali su joj ožiljci po cijelom tijelu i višak kože koji je ostao nakon drastičnog gubitka težine. Mislila je da nikada neće odjenuti bikini, a onda se umorila od ‘čekanja’.
Kupila je svoj prvi bikini u životu i objavila fotografiju na Facebooku. Pokazala je baš sve, ožiljke, strije, celulit…
“Želim naučiti voljeti cijelu sebe, a ne samo dijelove koji su ‘prihvatljivi'”, kazala je Miller ponosno.

Sve što možem reći je: svaka čast.

"I've spent the past 18 years of my life waiting. I kept my body covered up and hidden away. I told myself that one day I would finally let myself be seen; I would finally do all of the things I dreamed of when I was enough. Thin enough, happy enough, confident enough. When my body looked the way that it was "supposed" to. I fought my body every step of the way, continually ashamed and silent. When I was three my classmates asked why I was so much bigger than them. Why I didn't wear the same smock they did. When I was seven, I lied to the lady at Weight Watchers, desperate to sit in on meetings full of middle aged women trying to shed a few pounds. When I was nine I went to weight loss camp and stood in line the first week to take my "before" photo. When I was eleven the surgeon cut into my stomach, and he told me how happy I would finally be. I was the youngest person to have weight loss surgery. When I was fifteen, I started cutting into my own skin. I thought I deserved it. When I was twenty, I lost half my body weight in nine months, my worth for the day solely determined by the number on the scale being lower than the day before. And then I got tired of waiting. So now I'm twenty one and I bought my first bikini. EVER. You can see it all. Weird bulges and rolls of fat. Hanging excess skin. Stretch marks, cellulite, surgical and self harm scars. Awkward protrusion on my abdomen from my lap band. I want to learn to love all of myself, not just the parts I've been told are "acceptable." Because the secret is, I was always enough. And you are too." :) #LoveWhatMatters A Love What Matters Original Story Submitted by Lesley Miller


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