ONA JE SUPER ŽENA: Pomogla je da se napravi 200 obroka za UGROŽENE i pokazala svoju PLEMENITU STRANU!

ONA JE SUPER ŽENA: Pomogla je da se napravi 200 obroka za UGROŽENE i pokazala svoju PLEMENITU STRANU!

Trudna vojvotkinja Sussexa Megan Markle danas je napravila emociveoma emotivnu posjetu kuhinji u zajednici koja je inspirisala njen zajednički rad na kuhinjskoj knjizi Grenfell Tower, govoreći ženama: "Tako smo ponosni na tebe."

Meghan warmly hugged Zaheera Sufyaan, the kitchen coordinator and one of her collaborators on the bookMeghan visit the  Hubb Community KitchenMeghan hugs Zaheera Sufyaan, who is part of the Hubb Community Kitchen in West London as she visits the centre today

The Duchess of Sussex speaks to the women at the Hubb Community Kitchen as she finds out how funds are being used

Naime, Megan je otišla u kuhinju u zajednici Hubb, nedaleko od mjesta smrtonosne navale blata u Zapadnom Londonu, kako bi se vidio napredak koji je postignut nakon što se u septembru pojavila kuplarska knjiga Together.

Together has sold more than 40,000 copies in the UK and raised £210,000 so far in the seven weeks since it went on sale

Meghan speaks with chef Clare Smyth (right) as they visit the Hubb Community Kitchen in West London this morning

Buduća majka je toplo pozdravila koordinatorica kuhinje Zaheera Sufyaan - koju je jako zagrlila i Abdurahman Sayeda, izvršnog direktora Islamskog kulturnog centra "Al Manaar" u Sjevernom Kensingtonu.

The new facilities provide a safe and professional space for the women to cook, gather and run activities in their community

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex poses for a group photo with members of the Hubb Community Kitchen in London this morning

Megan, koja od januara privatno posjećuje kuhinju, brzo je prestala biti formalna kada je ušla unutra. Bacila je ruke oko svake žene, izgrlila ih i poljubila, bila je jako uzbuđena zbog onog što su imali od kada ih je zadnji put vidjela.

Previously the kitchen was only able to open two days a week due to funding - but now this has gone up to seven days

Wearing a burgundy dress and coat by Club Monaco, Meghan got involved in helping prepare the food this morning

The women were preparing 200 meals in just one day, to be delivered to local groups, including elderly people's homes

Megan je nosila haljinu burgundy i kaput marke Monaco u vlasništvu američkog modnog giganta Pola Ralpha Laurena, Meghan je uskoro stavila kecelju, obmotala rukave i zaglavila u pomaganju i pripremanju hrane.

The Duchess arrives at the Hubb Community Kitchen today to see how the funds raised by the book are making a differenceThe kitchen is not far from the site of the deadly tower block blaze in West London

Kitchen co-ordinator Ms Sufyaan waves to the cameras as she and Meghan enter the community kitchen in London todayMeghan helps out in North Kensington today

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