Ova majka zarađuje skoro 300.000 eura godišnje na Instagamu: Sada je otkrila uputstva za uspjeh

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Ova majka zarađuje skoro 300.000 eura godišnje na Instagamu: Sada je otkrila uputstva za uspjeh

Nataša Grano (28) iz Okfordšira živi u Mejferu u kući sa pet spavaćih soba sa mužem Antonijem i sinom Riom (2). Dok je bila trudna, istraživala je influensere, a danas sponzoriše mnoge brendove. U septembru će krasiti naslovnicu magazina „Harper’s Bazaar“.

Nataša, koja je povećala grudi i imala dvije operacije nosa, kaže da svako može da postane slavan na „Instagramu“, baš kao i ona.


His and Hers ????

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Grčko-britanski model uživa uz muža Italijana, a u njihovom voznom parku su, pored drugih moćnih mašina, i „rols-rojs“ i „ferari“. Njih dvoje imaju vile na Sardiniji, u Marakešu, članovi su ekskluzivnih klubova i zapošljavaju dadilju, kuhara i domara.

Ipak, ona je htjela da postane slavna na internetu da ne bi zavisila od muža, naftnog magnata.


His and Hers ????

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Nakon mnogo odgledanih tutorijala, ona je uspjela da za godinu dana pridobije 600.000 pratilaca.

Nataša od sponzorstava na „Instagramu“ godišnje zaradi 280.000 hiljada eura. U luksuzu uživa sa suprugom i sinčićem, a sada je otkrila detaljne savjete uz koje je privukla vrtoglavih 600.000 pratilaca.

– Na početku svakog mjeseca dobijem oko 50 komada odjeće i proizvoda koje treba da predstavim. Naporan rad se zaista isplati. Uspjeh me je učinio boljom osobom i srećna sam što sinu mogu sve da priuštim – kaže Nataša.

Ljeti najviše voli da obilazi ostrva na Mediteranu, a ove godine je sasuprugom jahtom bila na Mikonosu, Santoriniju, Kritu, zatim u Marbelji, Monaku i na jugu Francuske. A kad je kod kuće, na zahtjevnim snimanjima, kuharica sprema ručak, a dadilja čuva dijete.

– Moja kolekcija cipela je čudesna. Imam 50 pari „lubotenki“, 10 „dolče i gabana“ i 15 „manolo blanik“ cipela. Uz to, i odjeću i obuću često poklanjam rođacima i prijateljima. Nedavno sam pokrenula i sopstvenu humanitarnu organizaciju – priča ona.

Evo Natašinih saveta za veliki uspeh na „Instagramu“

* Tri slike dnevno

Objavljujte jednu do tri slike dnevno. Ako biste da budete modni influenser, trebaju vam vruće, jasne, kvalitetne slike u odeći brendova koje biste voleli da promovišete.

* Najbitniji je insta stori

Ispišite sve moguće haštagove, a onda ih smanjite toliko da samo vi možete da ih vidite. Potom izaberite lokaciju, pa je sakrijte u storiju.

Takođe, kad god postavljate nešto na svoj profil, dodajte to i na stori i napišite „novi post“ i sakrijte sliku.


Fit for a princess ???? @jadoreevening

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* Komentar je obavezan

Uvek napišite par reči ili neki citat uz post, tako će vas pratioci bolje upoznati.

* Prvi sat je ključan

Najvažnije je kako vaš post prođe u prvih sat vremena. To znači da odmah treba da ima što više komentara i lajkova.



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* Haštagovi

Iskoristite svih 30 mogućih mesta za haštagove i napišite ih u prvom komentaru. Ne stavljajte ih u opis slike, a mnogi u tome greše. I prethodno istražite tagove, jer crna haljina (#blackdress), na primer, ima dva i po miliona pratilaca, a crne haljine (#blackdresses) 75.000.

* Uvek isti filter

Koristite isti filter na svim slikama, dobra ideja je aplikacija Vsco.

* Interakcija je vrlo važna

Na početku sam satima svakog dana lajkovala tuđe stranice. Najbolje je da nekog zapratite, lajkujete od pet do 10 fotki i stavite fin komentar. Tako će se pročuti za vas.

Pratite i slavne i komentarišite i lajkujte, nikad ne znate da li će vam uzvratiti.

* Objave ujutru i uveče

Najbolje vrijeme za objavu je ujutru prije posla ili predveče poslije posla, ali ne poslije 21.30 sati.


Hey my gorgeous babes! I’m back with another #instagramgrowth tip for y’alllll ???? Everyone always asks me for quick fixes to gain followers, but I have to say there isn’t just 1 method for this - it’s a combination of hard work and lots of effort across all the methods. However.... if you want some quick attention on your page and some new followers fast one of my best tips would be utilise your story! Your story is one of your biggest tools to growing your Instagram believe it or not ;) When you post on your story make sure you write the maximum amount of hashtags on it as you would with your normal posts and here’s the trick.... shrink them in size so only you know they’re there on your pic. Then add a location (choose a location which you are aiming to target) and again hide it on your story ???? Also when you post on your page add it to your story and write “new post”across it. (add swipe up links to it if you want to go above and beyond the normal instagrammerrrr ) ???? and finally make sure you’re posting a couple of stories a day!! Make sure the content to your story is in some way related to the theme of your page for example fashion or beauty related if you’re a blogger. Or stories which show your character or your other more personal side... let me know how it goes ???? XOXO

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I want you to feel it in your soul ❤️

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But first.... ???? ????????

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Want to manifest something? ???????? Simply let it be... Believe and trust in the process. ✨✨ Think of it like this- if you were the universe (FYI - you are ????) that always provides and a person asked you for something but they doubted you for a reason that in fact doesn’t serve them how would you feel? We need to have 100% certainty that good is coming to us now, that what we want is absolutely going to appear in our life.. quit worrying about the “how it will happen” that’s what the universe will do. Simply believe in the process ???????? so if what you’ve been doing until now hasn’t been working so effectively then it’s time to try something new my babes!! Do not give up. You’ve come this far. Now- just keep going ????

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???????????????????????????????????? ???? ???????????????? ???????????????? ???????? ???????????? ???????? ???????? ???????????????? ???????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????? ☀️????☀️ ???????????? ???????????? ???????????? ???? Ok who wants another juicy tip on how to grow on instagram?? So In the early days of my account, i would spend hours liking other people’s photos each day. I would honestly say to like 5-10 photos on someone’s account that is the same niche as you. It also helps to leave a genuine comment (not spammy) and follow them. This helps to get your name out there and allows other users to discover you too. Another bonus from this method is you will hopefully get some likes and comments back ???? Check hashtags, to find accounts you want to be like or view the followers of your favourite Instagrammers. Interaction is everything! An hour before you post and an hour after you need to be interacting in order to get your post the most exposure it can get. Interact with big accounts too and celebrities as one day may be they will see all the support you’ve been giving on their page and they’ll return the love on yours - yesss girl ???? excited for you already! ????XOXO

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@loungeunderwear ????

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Have you ever tried sending love to someone?❤️???? it has a profound affect on them and returns to you in an even bigger way! Everything in the Universe is made up of particles and waves of electro-magnetic energy in constant movement and action. This energy moves through, in and out of people and objects. So How do you Send Love to Someone you Love or even better someone that irritates you? ???? - Focus your attention on your heart. - Breath into your heart deeply, evenly and rhythmically. - Think of something or someone who evokes the feelings of love and appreciation. - Put on a BIG smile, and allow the feelings of love and appreciation to fill your body. - Radiate the energy-feeling of love and appreciation to the person you love. - Be sure to keep smiling, and that you’re feeling the feeling you’re sending. (If you’re not feeling it, you aren’t sending it!) - Feel appreciation for yourself as you send this energy out to others. ????????❤️????????????????????❤️???? have a great day my beautiful babes ????

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If you want to manifest something, then believe miracles can happen for you ???????? Know that your prayers, visualisations and intentions will manifest into reality. Trust that a sudden beak through will occur. Feel that high frequency of positive energy and in that zone believe and feel like it’s already happened. 30 seconds of this every day for 30 days and you can make it happen. Even within 24hours. Ever heard that saying “what the mind can see, the mind can achieve” that is one of the many laws that governs our universe. Everything we desire begins with a single thought.. Don’t let fear, negativity or people around you steal shine. Just send them love and light and keep your aspirations and dreams to yourself ⭐️ See the light in every situation. Connect with your spirit. Ask the universe for what you want then surrender them. In the meantime smile like you’ve already received everything you have been asking for. The universe is preparing to make a delivery for you my beautiful babes ????????????✈️ Jeans: @ymijeans ????

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