IMAO JE 206 KILOGRAMA I ZVALI SU GA BRDO SALA: Kada je smršao nije mogao vjerovati šta je uradio, pogledajte KAKO SADA IZGLEDA

IMAO JE 206 KILOGRAMA I ZVALI SU GA BRDO SALA: Kada je smršao nije mogao vjerovati šta je uradio, pogledajte KAKO SADA IZGLEDA

Sve djevojke su mu govorile da je savršen momak, ali da ipak ne žele izaći sa njim jer je "brdo sala". 

Richard Branscum, 2008. godine imao je 206 kilograma. 


On the far left I was at my heaviest at 455 lbs. I remember seeing this picture after they were taken and just couldn't believe what I looked like. For me, it was just easier to live in denial than face the facts. I didn't look in mirrors ever, till one day in high school I looked in the mirror and I was as wide as the mirror was and I just cried, I just really couldn't accept the fact that I was morbidly obese. I think it was partially because one you actually ACCEPT it, you feel more inclined to change. I thought I just wasn't strong enough (I thought) to change. Till one day I went to the doctor when I weighed in at my heaviest weight he told me if I didn't change I would be dead of a heart attack by the age of 21 or in a bed the rest of my life. I can express to you the emotions that went through me at the moment but I can't express how incredibly happy that I am that I just finally BELIEVED in myself for the first time in my life and at that time in my life it was a very hard thing to do. I truly believe that I am not special, I think that ANYONE on the face of this planet can do anything if they are will to work for it!! No secrets, just hard work, day in and day out. Down 300 lbs with over 100 lbs of muscle on me and it's just the start!! I have so many more goals!! Remember you transform one day and one rep at a time!! #transformationtuesday #transformation #beforeandafter #okc #oklahoma #believe #change #believeinyourself #inspire #motivation #inspiration

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Sve je počelo 2005. godine kada je hranom počeo da se tješi zbog očeve smrti.

- Pošto mi je tata bolovao od dijabetesa, većinu stvari morao sam sam da učim. Veliki udarac za mene bio je kada mi je otac obolio od upale pluća. Kada sam ušao u kuću, zatekao sam ga kako leži na podu, što je inače znao da radi. Međutim, kada sam mu prišao, vidio sam da mu je lice modro. Bio je leden - ispričao je ovaj momak medijima o strašnoj traumi koju je doživio, i nakon koje je počeo da se prejeda.

Kada su mu ljekari rekli da ovim tempim neće moći nastaviti, odlučio se na promjenu. 

Jeo je i jeo, a kilogrami su se gomilali. Na kraju, ljekari su mu rekli da tim tempom neće doživjeti da proslavi 21. rođendan. 


When you find yourself at various points in life under seemingly insurmountable pressure or circumstances to hold on tight and push through no matter what...It’s the toughest of times that we are truly tested as to whether or not we are worthy of what it is we are striving’s in those times when you think you would crack under the pressure that the pressure then passes and your left with a far better situation. Trials will come and go like levels in a video game. This goes for everything in life from goals, dreams, family and relationships. We are all going to be challenged in unique ways that correspond with our pasts and desired futures with the feelings you have in life day to day that ultimately attract situations in life like a magnet. Think of yourself as a magnet, if you feel and think down and negatively, that’s exactly what going to be served to you from everything and everyone on a daily basis. The same goes for living optimistically no matter what hardships that you are tested with through life. Always look for growth and potential positivity in life and you’ll certainly find it!! #mondaymotivation

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Otišao je do nutricioniste koji mu je predložio odgovarajuću dijetu, i uz fizičku aktivnost skinuo je nevjerovatnih 135 kilograma.

Bilo je teško, iscrpljujuće i frustrirajuće. Kada je prvi put pokušao da trči na traci, trebalo mi je više od sat vremena da pređe jedan kilometar. Ipak, nije odustajao i danas je uzor mnogima na Instagramu.


For #tbt this week to when I got to meet the man himself @joeyswoll out at The Mecca Gold's Venice. It was go great to meet you man and learn from you and all the bodybuilders out there and trainers it was such an opportunity of a lifetime before I went on @thedoctorstv and my passion for bodybuilding grew even more hope we can get a workout soon again @joeyswoll . Anything is possible in life if you believe you can achieve and great things happen to great people if you work hard, never give up no matter how hard IT gets you can accomplish your goals and dreams!!! Ps our cubbies are going to bring IT back home next year!! @joeyswoll #completenutrition #dreambig #joeyswoll #losangeles #california #la #weightlossmotivation #weightloss #inspiration #motivation #health

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- Nikad nisam smio ni da pomislim da će jednom mene pitati za savjete o mršavljenju i vježbanju, a upravo mi se to dešava na svakodnevnom nivou. To je najbolji osjećaj na svijetu - kaže ovaj momak koji je danas Instagram zvijezda i bodybuilder.


If you don’t like your life, you have the power to change it. Not later or tomorrow, but RIGHT NOW!! Your life is truly what you make it out to be. I would say 90-95% of life is how you react to it. Practice being a more positive person, practice having more positive thoughts and every day moving forward watch how your life changes. We all deserve love and happiness and that all starts with us. Here are some things that can help you along your journey: 1️⃣. TELL YOURSELF THOSE MAGICAL WORDS I LOVE YOU. Because if you don’t love yourself, you can’t expect to give and receive love from others. 2️⃣. WRITE DOWN 5 THINGS YOU ARE GRATEFUL FOR. Then build on that list each day. You’ll find that the little things matter the most. 3️⃣. GET ACTIVE! Start your day getting your blood flowing. It will Help start your day full of energy. 4️⃣. ALWAYS DO YOUR BEST! No more, no less. You can’t control others actions but you can control yours and your thoughts. Try these and let me know if that helps you????????????. #mondaymotivation #levelup Picture Creds????: @_cheybird

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This showed up on my timeline today and made me think a lot about a few things. When this picture was taken everything was going great in my life I was on top of my game but I let relationships with the people closest to me go because I made so much time for the gym. The way our world is rite now you never know what day could be your last or the people closest to you always send a text, call them, or tell them that you love them because you just never know when they may not be there again. Not everyday in life will be perfect you will have your good and bad days. Like I said in a previous post one thing should do each day is make some silly faces and have fun and look at the bright side of things because you have been given this amazing thing called the gift of life. Live each day to the fullest and always fight for your goals and dreams!! #flashbackfriday #flexfriday #family #familyfirst #love #life #live #smile

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A Smile is a curve that sets everything straight....#smile

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"If you go to work on your goals, your goals will go to work on you. If you go to work on your plan, your plan will go to work on you. Whatever good things we build, end up building us."- Jim Rohn Whenever it gets hard on journey and it will you work fricking harder and have no more excuses go out and conquer all your goals and dreams and let's make this world a better place!! Had an amazing back workout last night pulled 545 on deadlifts for the first time in a long time and it felt so dayum good!! Have a great day Fit Family As always Lift Heavy and Dream Big!! #goodmorning #nomoreexcuses #workhard #work #body #mind #soul #bigrichfitness #backtobasics #newme #actionsspeaklouderthanwords #walkthewalk #okc #oklahoma #inspire #motivation #instafit #weightloss #gymmotivation #weightlossjourney #isymfs #healthy #weightlossmotivation #lifting #strength #neversettle #nextlevelshit

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