Ova žena je nekada imala 127 kilograma: A kada vidite kako danas izgleda u bikiniju zamantat će vam se (FOTO)

Ova žena je nekada imala 127 kilograma: A kada vidite kako danas izgleda u bikiniju zamantat će vam se (FOTO)

Ponekad je potrebna dobra volja da se nešto učini, ali isto tako i hrabrost kako bi krenuli na veliki korak .


Naime, Alison Braun bila je jedna od takmičarki popularnog televizijskog programa "The Biggest Loser" gdje je sa 127 kilograma krenula u borbu protiv gojaznosti i počela da prihvata sebe.



Confronting and raw and many of you have no idea how difficult it is for me to post this before picture of me from Biggest Loser footage however this is the reality. I'm doing this after of late many many people contacting asking for help, desperate for advice and believing for them it just isn't possible. I may have had an opportunity however even on the show we chose what we ate we chose if we were going to set our alarm and get up and train. For the past 7 years after the show I had to keep making those choices, sometimes it was hard, for a short period I made the wrong choices. However at the end of the day I choose to live! Never to just exist and watch my life slip by again! I had many "I'm going to start Monday" moments...stuff Monday! Make the choice today! A little sacrifice for the most amazing gain. Make the decision create the routine and it will become your life ???? #change #choices #tbla #thebiggestloserau ##thebiggestloseraustralia #itsuptoyou #itstime #youcandoit #inspiration #weightloss #motivation

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Sve je počelo još 2008. godine a sada je sa svojim prijateljima na društvenim mrežama podjelila prvu fotografiju u bikiniju. Njom je iznenadila sve i prikupila brojne pozitivne komentare.

Da se sve može kada se hoće, dokazala je i ova mama iz Australije.


Watching the TBL last night was tough. The raw emotion of the contestants having to stand in front of a mirror and finally acknowledged where they were at. I know for me on my journey this was one of the hardest and most humiliating moments. This picture is the very same moment when I was beginning my time on the show. This moment I looked in the mirror for the first time in about 10 years and I was devastated at what I saw. This was my first moment of making a conscious decision to change. The picture next is me this morning. Black bra and knickers No makeup, bed hair no posing! (And door frames left in pic so you can see there are no alteration) It's taken me all day to decide if I was going to do this, however I decided I don't ever want to portray something unattainable, so this is me minus hair, makeup stylist and a flattering pose! I'm not perfect but I'm fit and healthy, this is just honest and real. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever believe I could do this... I'm not sure what path the contestants or what path you take from here, however I hope you all stand and acknowledge where you are at, choose where you want to be and believe you have everything inside of you to reach it! ???? Ali x #TBLAU #TBLClub #TBLAU #TBLClub #lifechange #taketherisk #change #itstime #itsuptoyou #weightloss #TBL

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"Nikad nisam mislila da ću snimiti svoj selfi u bikiniju i to na Baliju! Nisam ni pomišljala da idem tamo kada sam imala preko 120 kilograma, tada se nikada ne bi uklopili. Ne mogu vjerovati koliko toga sam propustila u životu", kaže Alison kojoj je emisija promijenila život. Baš kao i mnogim drugim ljudima koji su pristali da rade na sebi.



Ključ transformacije je u redovnom vježbanju, zdravoj prehrani i emocionalnoj podršci. Raditi na sebi nije lako, ali svakako se isplati.


Pogledajte samo Alison, i sigurno ćete u sebi naći snagu da krenete njenim putem.

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