
Blogerka Constance Hall pokušala je kopriati izdanje Kate Middleton te nekoliko sati nakon porođaja ustati i pozirati s bebom.

Naime, Constance i njen muž Denim Cooke izašli su ispred bolnice i pozirali kao Kate i William i njihovim novorođenim sinom Rajom.

"Oh, Kate, što sve očekuju od nas iz kraljevske porodice. Sad te shvatam '', napisala je ispod fotografije.


Oh god Kate... the things they expect of us royals. I hear ya babe I hear ya.

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Constance je u ponedjeljak objavila da je rodila sina.

Ona ima još četvero djece, koje je dobila u braku s bivšim mužem Billom Mahonom.


What does stomping on a cockroach, slapping a mosquito, eating a steak and using antibiotics to kill a virus all have in common? They are all ending life..... You see life itself isn’t sacred. Not when you live on a fertile planet, compatible with all sorts of life. So what makes life inside a mothers stomach sacred? One very distinct difference... Choice. The growing baby inside it’s mother is sacred because she chose to mother it. Not because it began to grow. All of my children know that I had the choice to mother them. You see life can be created out of rape, it can even be created in a form that isn’t compatible with life and will die before birth. It isn’t always sacred. It’s just life. Ireland is about to have a referendum, repealing the 8th amendment. Because the children and women of Ireland deserve more. Abortions must be legalised in Ireland because they will happen anyway. Women will stop an unwanted pregnancy legally or illegally, you are only voting on if she will do it safely or stressfully. And every child needs to know that they are more then just life, they were a choice a sacred decision and not a punishment to their mother for creating life. On May the 25th vote YES to repeal the 8th. I certainly wouldn’t fuck with an Irish women’s freedom. #repealthe8th #Irishqueens #prochoice #choiceissacred

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Jess walked into her therapists office alone on couple therapy day. She proclaimed, “I’m here alone today, Justin and I are over” The therapist nodded. “He’ll never change” The therapist nodded. “It feels like you knew this would happen?” She asked. To which her therapist responded “there are two types of people that I meet in a relationship. Those with self awareness and those with none. When one party lacks self awareness the relationship will never last. Justin played the blame game, he was constantly talking about your flaws and how it’s not his fault because he works long hours, excuses, blame and deflections were his game. You came in with self awareness. Looking for solutions, reflecting on your own behaviour, apologising, making changes. Self awareness is one of the most important elements of the foundation of a relationship.” Jess thought for a minute, “I suppose that’s why I’m here, to keep going and keep reflecting and stay aware of my own behaviour so I don’t end up in the same relationship over and over again. The therapist nodded. Be aware of yourself. Your the only one you can change ????

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