Slikala se u OVOM IZDANJU i dobila GOMILU UVREDA: Pravi šok je uslijedio kada je polazala ŠTA SE DESILO nakon ove slike

Slikala se u OVOM IZDANJU i dobila GOMILU UVREDA: Pravi šok je uslijedio kada je polazala ŠTA SE DESILO nakon ove slike

Tes Holiday jedna je od plus size modela u usponu, a mnoge žene na Instagramu joj se zahvaljujuju jer im je pomogla da prihvate sebe.

Samo na Instagramu Tes ima preko milion i pol pratilaca.

Nedavno je Tes okačila na Instagram svoju sliku u donjem vešu, a onda u opisu napisala:


- Ovaj veš nije dugo ostao na meni, ali svejedno je sladak - poručila je ona iz Palm Springsa gdje trenutno uživa sa suprugom Nikom, i tako suptilno dala do znanja da je praktično okačila selfie prije seksa. A onda to i potvrdila.


Međutim, komentari nisu bili nimalo prijatni.


- Nisam znao da sad proizvode veš i za slonove - poručili su joj tako u komentarima, a mnogi su dodali i da je "pogrešno to što promoviše morbidnu gojaznost kao nešto lijepo".

Pogledajte više njenih fotografija: 


As much as I wanna post this photo & talk about how hot I look (????) I know y’all will talk about my tattoos & that’s cool so I’m gonna talk about them! My right arm was tattooed by my dear friend @nikkohurtado ???? There is no one who does realism the way he does & captures the tiny details that really bring his tattoos to life. He is like my brother because we argue, brag about who has more followers (neither one of us really care but we are both competitive jerks) and give each other advice about being your own boss???????????? Now I get to go through life with Dolly, Divine, Mae West & Miss Piggy on me & hope to be as badass as them! If you wanna hear more about my tattoos you can read my book! Thanks again Nikko, now let’s finish my arm ???? Who are some women who inspire you? #effyourbeautystandards

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To celebrate #internationalwomensday I am teaming up with the lovely ladies at @dermalogica who are hosting an event with a panel of expert female founders discussing how they changed the game and paved the way for entrepreneurial women everywhere to find their passion and follow their dreams – such an exciting campaign to be part of and so proud to be doing it for the girls on this special day for the ultimate #girlpower stand! As a powerful female wanting to make my mark and make a difference in changing the world and industry ideals, this is really important to me and something that is very close to my heart. So make sure you follow the @dermalogica IG stories this evening where I will be taking over their account and capturing all the action, live! STAY TUNED! #DermalogicaPartner #IWDLA

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Caption this... ???????????? (Shot by @wedreamoficecream for @alpinebutterflyswim)

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