MARIJA JE BILA PRELIJEPA STUDENTICA, a danas izgleda NEPREPOZNATLJIVO zbog nesreće koju je izazvao njen DEČKO! (FOTO)

MARIJA JE BILA PRELIJEPA STUDENTICA, a danas izgleda NEPREPOZNATLJIVO zbog nesreće koju je izazvao njen DEČKO! (FOTO)

Marija Lebedeva (23) iz Novosibirska bila je prelijepa perspektivna studentica, ali sve se u trenu promijenilo kada je 2016. godine njen dečko namjerno prošao kroz crveno i zaletio se njihovim automobilom u drugo vozilo.

Marija je u nesreći zadobila oštećenje mozga, izgubila je vid, kičma joj je povrijeđena, a deset dana provela je u komi. Ne sjeća se gotovo ničega što joj se događalo godinu do dvije prije nesreće.


Tog kobnog dana ona se posvađala sa dečkom Andrejem, sa kojim je bila u vezi četiri godine. On je bio ljut jer ju je u automobilu morao da čeka pola sata. Kad je Marija ušla u auto, vikao je na nju, a na vrhuncu svađe, u svom BMW-u 530 prošao je kroz crveno brzinom od 80 kilometara na sat.


Dear friends, I was thinking about posting this story for a long time now. I was hoping we could handle this situation on ourselves. It was in 2016 when my sisters life took a devastating turn. Until today she is fighting against the consequences of her several illnesses. Maria Lebedeva was born on 11.06.1994 and had a terrible car accident (by fault of someone else) on 20th August 2016. Following this, she was in a coma for three weeks. The doctors couldn't assure us she would stay alive... Luckily she survived but the immense effects are still present. Some time has passed, but her health condition has barely changed and has to be held on a certain level. Maria lost her eyesight and parts of her memory. Every morning she wakes up in pain and goes to bed just in the same way. Throughout one year she spent several weeks in 5 different hospitals and clinics, but there isn't any real outcome. But we won't lose our hope that her condition can turn better. At the moment she's being treated with an experimental method by Professor Lantuch in a special eye clinic. Stem cells are being injected into her eyes, without being able to grant effectiveness. Maria is fighting enormous gastrointestinal pain. The doctors' opinions are diverging but most of all they helplessly shrug their shoulders. Maria is suffering from depression and could use all kinds of support, if only a short phone call and a friendly "Hello". She still has got a long way of medical treatments and rehabilitations to go. Since that's very expensive we would be endlessly thankful for any kind of financial support. Just a single dollar could make the difference for Maria. You can help us! Please feel free to share and repost her story. If you would like to help Maria, please submit your donations to the following account: [email protected] with the annotation: MARIA

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Jedino je Marija povrijeđena u nesreći, Andreja i njegovog prijatelja spasili su vazdušni jastuci.


- Nikad nije bio uz mene tokom lečenja. Prebacivao mi je da smo oboje krivi. Nikad mi se nije izvinio. Nakon nesreće ne samo da ne izgledam isto, i mnoge druge stvari su se promijenile, kaže nesretna djevojka za čije je liječenje, nakon tužbe, Andrej morao da plati više od 10.000 eura, piše "".


Marija je sada sebi postavila cilj, želi postati stjuardesa.U nadi da će joj to uspeti, Marija trenutno prolazi kroz eksperimentalni tretman matičnim ćelijama koji je izuzetno skup. Svi pokušaji vraćanja vida dosad su bili bezuspešni. Njena porodica stoga svaki dan traži nove načine i metode kojima žele pomoći svojoj kćerki.


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