NIJE SE DEPILIRALA GODINU DANA, A MUŽ JE PODRŽAVA U TOME: Čekajte samo dok vidite kako izgleda (FOTO)

NIJE SE DEPILIRALA GODINU DANA, A MUŽ JE PODRŽAVA U TOME: Čekajte samo dok vidite kako izgleda (FOTO)

Poljakinja Sonia Cytrowsa (28) depilirala se od svoje 12. godine, ali prije godinu dana je odlučila da prestane sa tom praksom.

Sada je na svom Instagram profilu objavila fotografiju kako bi promovirala prirodnu ljepotu i pozvala i druge žene da je podrže u tome.


Some time ago I gave myself a word that I won't remove my bodyhair unless I will know that shaving them is entirely my decision. I wanted to stop ads brainwashing my mind & give up thinking "I should shave because everyone is doing this". This is my task list which I made to achieve my goal: -get to know how my body hair will look without any interference, - reach the acceptance to all my body hair while looking in the mirror, - stop being ashamed in front of the others, even if they whisper and stare at me, - be free from need to explain "oh it's just project, I know it looks terrible/unsexy/masculine/etc. It's temporary you know", - be free from belief that I have to fulfill someone's expectation about my appearance, - and finally be free from fear that others will reject me if they will know how I REALLY look like. I knew I will need some time to do my job. It's been more than a year now! ⏳ How about your hairy journey Dear Woman? How do you feel about being unshaved? What do you think about other hairy women? Maybe you want add some items to the list? ???? *second pic is without any filter #goals #bodyhair #bodyhairdontcare #acceptance #challenge #bodyhairmovement #natural #realme #hairywoman #naturalwoman #stopshaving #bodyacceptance #societystandards #beauty #beautystandards #questioning #finding #thetruth #realwoman #nofilter #poland #wgdyni #niegolesie #natura #kobieta #wyzwanie #cel #akceptacja #cialo #naturalne

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"Želim vam pokazati svoja leđa na kojima također ima dlaka. Znam da mnoge žene imaju dlakava leđa i da se zbog toga osjećaju manje ženstvenima. Nema potrebe za tim. To je normalno. Mediji to možda ne pokazuju, ali to je i dalje normalno", tvrdi ona.

Kazala je kako njenom suprugu na početku nije bila draga ova promjena, ali s vremenom ju je počeo podržavati.

"Mom se suprugu ova promjena nije svidjela, ali nije se pokušao razvesti od mene. Odlučio je zbog mene promijeniti svoje standarde ljepote", kaže Sonia.


I want to say I AM SORRY!! I noticed that I was making spam to you with this HOW MANY likes I get or HOW MANY people starts following me. I feel that counting likes is pointless and waste of time, cause I know that there are people watching me and my project in absolute silence. Followers doesn't tell me if I do impact on my "target group", because my followers are mostly men... and my wish was to get in touch with WOMEN who are ready to rethink subject "my natural body" and to say them: "Your bodyhair is ok! Tell me, what do you feel about your body? Are you sure that what you feel is 100% yours? Maybe it comes from media? Maybe someone told you that you should be ashamed of your natural look? Please consider it with yourself." Looking at the numbers of likes and followers didn't make me more happy. I wasn't focused at my REAL PURPOSE of this movement, #bodyhairmovement Now I want to show you my last body part with hair. It's my back. I know that lot of womem has it and they feel less feminine. You don't have to. It's NORMAL. Maybe media doesn't show it, but it is still normal ???? It's good to be back again ☺ Hope to see you soon! ???? #hairybody #hairywoman #naturalwoman #back #hairyback #sorry #stopcounting #bodyhairdontcare #iamback #noshave #beyourself #nofilter #effyourbeautystandards #effyourbodystandards #bodypositive #feminine #feminist #feminism #womenpower #niegolesie #feministka #feminizm #kochamsiebie #akceptacja #nieliczlajkow #polishwoman #naturalnakobieta #wgdyni #powerfromplants

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"Poželjela bih otrčati u kupaonicu i sve obrijati. Na trenutak bih se osjetila kao dlakavo čudovište, ali onda bih uzela pet minuta da razmislim što želim. Shvatila sam da volim svoja dlakava pazuha, čupave obrve, stidne dlake, pa čak i dlake na svom trbuhu i leđima. Prihvaćam ih i ne sramim ih se", zaključila je ona.  


My husband asked me some time ago: -Why are posting so ugly pictures? -What does it mean to you "ugly"? -Not attractive, not artistic. -Do you know why? Because I am posting about NORMAL body. Not photoshoped, not iluminated in special way, not posed to look sexy. Media and our minds are overloaded of pictures which shows only one "beautiful" body image and that's why is seems normal to them. But daily life is not like that, it is: ordinary, hairy, with curves, discoloration on the skin, useful not sexual. -You are right... // So! Appreciate your body everyday! Thanks to him you can enjoy life. It does good job for you in every second. And you even don't have to think about it! Love it and it will be serving you for long time. Be grateful for the fact that you have it. No matter how it looks like - it's yours! /// Mój mąż zapytał mnie ostatnio: -Dlaczego dodajesz takie brzydkie zdjęcia? -Co to znaczy dla Ciebie brzydkie? -No takie w ogóle nie atrakcyjne, artystyczne ani trochę. -Wiesz dlaczego? Bo piszę o NORMALNYM ciele. Nie odpicowanym, nie najkorzystniej oświetlonym, bez pozowania żeby wyglądać seksownie. Media i nasze głowy są już tak przeładowane jedynym "pięknym" wizerunkiem ciała, że traktują to jako normalność. A przecież codzienność jest inna: zwyczajna, owłosiona, z fałdkami, przebarwieniami, użyteczna a nie seksualna. -W sumie... masz rację. // Dlatego doceniaj swoje ciało codziennie! Dzięki niemu możesz korzystać z życia. Robi dla Ciebie dobrą robotę w każdej sekundzie, a Ty nawet nie musisz o tym myśleć. Kochaj je, żeby służyło Ci jak najmilej. I bądź wdzięczny/a za to, że je masz. Obojetnie jakie jest - jest Twoje! #bodypositive #loveyourself #dailylife #hairybody #hairywoman #noshave #hairylegs #hairyarmpits #bodyhair #hairy #fitornotfit #selfcare #naturalbeauty #natural #codzienność #polishgirl #kochajsiebie #naturalna #owłosiona #kobieta #niegolesie

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