Sin Donalda Trumpa: Moj otac nije rasist, zanima ga samo novac

Donald Trump ne može biti rasist jer ga zanima samo novac. Tako barem zvuči obrana američkog predsjednika od strane njegovog sina, Erica Trumpa.
“Moj otac vidi samo jednu boju, zelenu. To je sve o čemu on brine. Brine o ekonomiji. On ne vidi rasu. On je najmanje rasistička osoba koju sam ikad upoznao u čitavom svom životu”, rekao je Eric Trump u emisiji Fox&Friends, na Trumpu i republikancima vrlo naklonjenom televizijskom kanalu Fox News.
ERIC TRUMP on ISIS: "ISIS is quite frankly a thing of the past. You had 44,000 terrorists, they're down to less than 1,000 and they're killing those guys off rapidly... it's insane."
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) January 17, 2018
Eric Trump tells Fox News: My father only 'sees one color: Green'
— MSNBC (@MSNBC) January 17, 2018
.@EricTrump on Fox and Friends responds to racism allegations against @realDonaldTrump - "My father sees one color -- green."
— Alex Mallin (@alex_mallin) January 17, 2018
Eric Trump tells Fox News: My father only 'sees one color: Green'
— MSNBC (@MSNBC) January 17, 2018
NEW: Eric Trump defends his dad on @foxandfriends: "My father sees one color, green. That’s all he cares about he cares about the economy. He does not see race."
— Peter Alexander (@PeterAlexander) January 17, 2018
— Angela Lamberti (@LambertiAngela) January 17, 2018