OVAKO IZGLEDAM JA: Kada ljudi vide mog dečka zgranu se i imaju samo jedan komentar

OVAKO IZGLEDAM JA: Kada ljudi vide mog dečka zgranu se i imaju samo jedan komentar

Na Instagramu je objavila fotografiju i našla se na udaru ljudi iz cijelog svijeta. 

Melisa Gibson iz Kentakija postala je poznata preko noći. Ona je inače blogerka, a zbog toga što njen dečko nema problema sa kilogramima, ne vjeruje joj niko da su zaista zajedno. A i ako jesu, mora da on ima neki uvrnuti fetiš.


When taking a picture in a sparkly dress next to the man you love makes people comment about your body, question your relationship, make judgements about him for loving you. Our relationship is political. Even though we both know how natural and right it feels. And if the world won’t just let us be, we will keep fighting for our love, for our space, for our right to be seen, accepted without question, and celebrated. In all honesty it’s silly to think it bothers people so much, but when privileged people base their value on attraction and relationships, it results in the plethora of relationships that look like mine being erased and delegitimized. Like somehow I don’t deserve him or our love isn’t real. We are exactly what each other wants, and guess what, our bodies are a part of that. It’s not a abnormal or a fetish. It’s simply natural. So while you insist on yelling your insecurities and bigotry at me, realize I’m not playing the game you play any longer. I’m not playing by your rules. And it’s honestly sad you still are. 2018 is the year for Love that is not defined by weight, age, ability, genitals, gender, sexuality. Not defined by race or ethnicity or religion. We’re having more fun this way anyway ;). #love #bf #relationshipgoals #fatbabe #visiblewomen #louisville #newyearseve #2018 #nye #debshops .......... ALSO THIS DRESS IS FROM @debshops FOR ALL THOSE THAT ASKED. Remember I always tag where I got my clothing in the picture.

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– Ono kada u šljokičastoj haljini staneš pored čoveka koga voliš, a dobiješ ružne komentare na račun svog tela, kilograma, pitanja o tome da li je veza stvarna i preispitivanja da li te on zaista voli. Ali, mi ćemo nastaviti da se borimo za prostor za naš, za pravo da nas vide i prihvate bez pitanja. Smešno je i pomisliti da ja njega na neki način ne zaslužujem i da naša ljubav nije prava. Mi smo tačno ono što želimo, i naša tela su deo toga. Ne radi se o nekoj abnormalnosti ili fetišu – poručuje ona.

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