OVOME SE NIJE NADALA: Zbog jedne objave izgubila 70.000 pratitelja na Instagramu (FOTO)

OVOME SE NIJE NADALA: Zbog jedne objave izgubila 70.000 pratitelja na Instagramu (FOTO)

Sophie Gray je Instagram model, a koja je zbog samo jedne objave izgubila 70 hiljada pratitelja na Instagramu.

Naime, ovo se dogodilo nakon što je objavila da više neće kačiti slike u kojima je u bikiniju, jer ih smatra "štetnima" za mnoge.

"Pločice na trbuhu i zategnuta bedra neće vas učiniti sretnima. Pizza i kolači su jebeno prefini. Dosta mi je slušati kako bi žene trebale biti bilo što drugo osim onoga što jesu da bi bile sretne. Znam da sma godinama promovirala takav način života, i još uvijek želim da se brinete o svom tijelu, ali ovo je sranje", napisala je ona.

Iako i dalje trenira, ipak je strogi režim ishrane zamijenila sa pizzom i slatkišima.

Zbog ovog poteza ostala je bez skoro 70.000 fanova, ali je stekla 30.000 novih kojima se više dopada ovaj novi pristup.


This post is literally the reason I do what I do through this channel. We view anything honest and vulnerable as negative. We view real life as negative. I have been down lately. My skin is bad. My period is coming. I haven’t been sleeping. I haven’t been motivated. The couch has been my favourite place to be. This isn’t me complaining or asking for your sympathy. This isn’t me being ‘woah is me’ or refusing to look on the brightside. This is actually just real fucking life. Am I allowing these last few days to define who I am? Absolutely not. Am I allowing them to make me feel less about myself? Nope. I’m sharing this side of my life because I know you experience these things. I know you have your good days and your not so good days. I know you breakout and have bad hair days. I know you have times where you don’t want to get out of bed. We all do. And, I’m sick of social media making us feel bad about our human experience. It’s okay to be sad. It’s okay to be down. It’s okay to be YOU, however you shows up. Just remember this… You are not less of a person for having these experiences. Most importantly, know that you are not these experiences. You are so much more than your acne, anxiety, sleepless nights, depression or whatever you’re going through. You are love. Plain and simple. Comment

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