TITAN II: Kroz slike posjetite netaknuti nuklearni-raketni bunker u pustinji Arizone!

TITAN II: Kroz slike posjetite netaknuti nuklearni-raketni bunker u pustinji Arizone!

Jednom dom najveće interkontinentalne balističke rakete koju su ikada postavile američke avijacije - Titan II - ovaj otpušteni nuklearni silos prodan je prošle godine za 420.000 američkih dolara. Rđava i zaboravljena, ova vojna nadgradnja još uvijek može potaknuti strahopoštovanje i otkriti pogled u nedavnu prošlost. 


Slide 2 of 24: Located in Southern Arizona, the bunker structure is set within a 12-acre plot complete with tunnels, huge steel doors, living quarters and other original features. 

(Casey James)

Slide 4 of 24: A fascinating relic from the Cold War, the underground facility was finished in the 1960s and is built to withstand a nuclear attack. It stayed in operation for 24 years and was once monitored by military personnel around the clock. Here you can see how the different subterranean areas are cleverly linked via underground passages and staircases. 

(Casey James)


Slide 10 of 24: From the tunnel, you'll gain access to the original control room. A space with few luxuries, the basic shell of the room shows the metal staircases that lead upstairs and downstairs.

(Casey James)


Slide 11 of 24: You can even see the original command console, which certainly looks the business. Some components seen here were actually added during a recent film shoot but you can clearly appreciate what this space would have looked like in action.

(Casey James)


Slide 17 of 24: During its time as an active nuclear bunker, the silo was home to military personnel who not only worked here but lived, cooked and slept here. On the top floor (one level up from the control room) you'll find this area, which was originally the kitchen. To the right of the image, you can see where the stove used to be.

(Casey James)

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