RAĐALA 8 PUTA, A NJENO TIJELO ĆE VAS IZNENADITIT: Druge mame je zove supermodelom

RAĐALA 8 PUTA, A NJENO TIJELO ĆE VAS IZNENADITIT: Druge mame je zove supermodelom

Džoslin Moris ima 40 godina i poslije prvog porođaja prije 20 godina je postala zavisna od pilula za mršavljenje. Tada, pošto je rodila prvu ćerku Džastis imala je 75 kilograma.

I prije toga je imala probleme s viškom kilograma i većinu tinejdžerskih godina je bila očajna. Zato je počela da uzima pilule za mršavljenje na koje se navukla. Tada je spala na 56 kg. Nekontrolisano uzimanje pilula je dovelo do užasnih glavobolj i vrtoglavica


So what is the REAL story behind this picture? ???? I honestly did NOT want to take my 2 weeks postpartum pictures! ???? I felt like I had not made any progress given the fact that for 10 of those 14 days we were evacuated from our home and I was stressed to the max and out of my element! I had hardly any sleep for recovery, and junk food was everywhere! ????‍♀️ I did try to make the best choices given the circumstances, but I was definitely NOT perfect and I really felt just

exhausted and unmotivated to take pictures. ???? I decided to just bite the bullet and take pictures anyway. I mean, that's the whole point of documenting your journey right...documenting the good and the bad! I figured this would just be a bad and a learning lesson for me on how to do better. ???????? Well, I was very shocked after taking pictures that I didn't just make progress but I did pretty dang good! I was shocked because I didn't really do anything special to make progress, I just tried to make healthy choices each day given the circumstances. ???????? So what's the lesson? Trying to make healthy choices every day (even if your not perfect in those choices) DOES pay off!! ???????? Be sure to click the link in my bio ???????? to get free recipes from my upcoming recipe books! ???????? And you will be the first to know when they are available! ????????They are going to be so beautiful!! I'm getting very excited to show them to you!???? ❤️ Also...join my Facebook community on my Vegan Boss Lady Facebook page! ???? Much love...Jocelyn ❤️ #bekind #selflove #acceptance #empoweringwomen #noshame

Objavu dijeli Jocelyn Morris (@veganbossladyofficial)

Kada su joj izostale mentruacije, 2006. je otišla kod doktora koji joj je rekao da prestane s lijekovima. Maštala je da će imati veliku porodicu pa je prestala da pije lijekove i počela da se hrani zdravo.

Tada je još jela termički obrađenu hranu, meso i sir, ali je poslije još šest trudnoća pala u depresiju zbog svog izgleda.


Prije nego što je prije dvije i po godine prešla na vegansku sirovu hranu, bila je vegan godinu dana, ali se i dalje osećala umrtvljeno i beživotno iznutra pa se okrenula sirovim namirnicama.


This is seriously how my kitchen has looked the past 3 days! . Testing recipes, plating them up, and taking pictures for my upcoming Raw Vegan Recipe Books! . My sister joined me yesterday and helped me taste test recipes. That was fun! She's the one who snapped this picture. ???? . I'm so ready to deliver this baby, my feet are balloons, and my body is aching! But I set a goal to get these books done before my baby girl is born and I am a stubbornly dedicated person Dangit!???????? . My super awesome hubby is still working on getting the website up and running...soon that will work right. You can check out what he's done so far at www.veganbosslady.com ????????. He's such a stud...love that man to pieces!!! . Alright, back to testing recipes! I'll be posting sneak peeks into my books over the next couple weeks...so keep an eye out for them! . Love ya! . . . . . . #fullyraw#veganpregnancy#vegan#hclf#3rdtrimester#thirdtrimester#plantbaseddiet#kitchen#healthyfood#rawfood#rawfoods#rawfooddiet#38weekspregnant#rawvegan#vitamix#fitat40#whatrawveganseat#wholeplantbasedfood#rawfoodie#rawfoodist#rawveganfoodshare#vegansofig#veganfood#rawveganfood

Objavu dijeli Jocelyn Morris (@veganbossladyofficial)

Prije tri nedjelje je rodila osmo dijete i kaže da je sretnija, zdravija i snažnija no ikad. Mame drugara njene dece je zovu "supermodel mama" jer se jako brzo poslije osme trudnoće vratila u fit formu.Za doručak i ručak pije smutije s dodatkom kokosove vode i mlijeka od badema, uz razne sjemenke, veganski proteinski prah i različito voće i povrće. Za užinu gricka svježe povrće, voće ili orašaste plodove, a večera joj je salata, supa, vegetarijanske nudle. Ona kaže da je osim takve ishrane i redovno kretanje jako važno.

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