Tražila je da ju Photoshopom uljepšaju: Čekajte da vidite šta su joj uradili

E buraz
Tražila je da ju Photoshopom uljepšaju: Čekajte da vidite šta su joj uradili

Zamislite da vidite normalna tijela u časopisima i na televiziji ili na društvenim mrežama. Biste li lakše prihvatili svoj izgled i tijelo točno takvim kakvo je? Ja sigurno bih, kaže nutricionistica Lyndi Cohen

Nutricionistica Lyndi Cohen (28) iz Sydneyja provela je društveni eksperiment, a rezultat ju je šokirao.

Podijelila je nekoliko svojih fotografija u kupaćim kostimima i zamolila neznance na internetu da ju u Photoshopu naprave lijepom.

- Oni su stvorili sliku onoga što smatraju lijepim i zdravim i rezultat me je jako zabrinuo - izjavila je Lyndi za Daily Mail Australia.

U obrađenoj verziji Lyndinih fotografija u kupaćem kostimu, nutricionistica je priznala da izgleda mršavije.

- Ali, nije u tome problem, već u tome što su neki čak uklonili i njezin madež s ramena pa čak smanjili moju strukturu kostiju - rekla je Lyndi.




I’m not plus size. And I’m not model size. I am right in the middle size. ❤️ And I’m wonderfully healthy. I eat well, I exercise often. Yet - we never see bodies like mine, unphotoshopped, in the media. So we go through life thinking that healthy means we need to look a certain way... yet no matter how much you exercise or how little or well you eat - you never end up looking like your expected, you never look like the photoshopped images you see in health magazines or the curated, filtered and posed images on your highlights real. ???? Happiness is expectations minus reality. So instead of constantly trying to chase a goal that doesn’t exist, I say we change our expectations so that we can finally learn to be happy with what a normal and healthy body can look like. ???? P.s. see my last post as well ????

A post shared by LYNDI COHEN (@nude_nutritionist) on


- Ja sam zdrave veličine 10 (M), ali unatoč tome u medijima se nikad ne vide ljudi moje veličine i s tijelima kakvo ja imam - osim u slučaju kad je riječ o pozitivnosti prema svojem tijelu i onda se ti ljudi smatraju hrabrim što su odlučili pokazati svoja tijela točno takva kakva jesu - objasnila je.

- Nevjerojatno je koliko kilograma su mi skinuli na fotografijama. Pretpostavljam da su mi na fotografiji u ružičastom bikiniju skinuli negdje između 10 i 20 kilograma, što bi na indeksu tjelesne mase značilo da sam neuhranjena - dodala je Lyndi.

Kad se odlučila na ovaj eksperiment Lyndi je željela da na Internetu ljudi vide više normalnih tijela.

- Stalno viđamo mršave i obrađene pojedince u medijima zahvaljujući kojima nam je teško percipirati kako stvarno izgleda zdravo tijelo - rekla je.



As you may have seen from my previous posts, I did a social experiment ???? I asked a bunch of strangers to photoshop images of me. And without me asking, they all made me slimmer. They removed my birthmark from my shoulder. They even made my bone structure smaller. They created an image of what they thought was beautiful and healthy - and the result worries me. When all we see is photoshopped images of already slim people - it’s difficult to think of beauty or health as anything else. I tell you my friends... there’s nothing wrong with my bone structure or my birthmark or my stomach or my natural body shape. The problem is that every photo we see is photoshopped, causing us to question whether the girl in this picture, with the stomach rolls is actually healthy. My stomach rolls are not the problem. Our cultures obsession with the thin ideal and photoshop is.⚡️It’s no longer radical for magazines to include a photoshop free cover or shoot in their magazines. I’d love to live in a world where our media does more and where photoshop is the exception, not the rule. ???? Comment below if a world without constant photoshop would help you feel more comfortable, healthy and confident in your already beautiful body. ❤️

A post shared by LYNDI COHEN (@nude_nutritionist) on


- Da vam kažem, dragi moji, moja struktura tijela je sasvim u redu, isto kao i moj madež na ramenu ili moj struk ili bilo što drugo. Problem je u tome što je svaka fotografija koju vidimo u medijima fotošopirana, što potiče ljude da preispituju je li stvarno zdrava ta djevojka na fotografiji s par špek-rolica oko struka - upozorila je.

- Ne nosim veliku veličinu, ali nisam ni model. Ja sam točno u sredini. I ja sam predivno zdrava - napomenula je.

Već ranije je Lyndi radila društvene eksperimente na svojim profilima, a u jednom od njih je javno pokazala koje fotografije su stvarne i za koje se ljudi namještaju samo da bi ih objavili na društvenim mrežama.


Just a quick example of how your social media feed can feature the highlights reel instead of real life ????❤️ Photos taken moments apart. Take note when you see photos on social media and spare a moment for all the photos that never made it to the feed. ???? I love my body equally in both photos (guys, it’s so cool to be able to say that!) and I think this is part because I’m taking control of my Instagram feed. There are some easy steps you can take to control you feed so that what you subscribe to boosts your confident and helps you realise that you are worthy, and good enough, instead of tearing you down. ???? From now on... and over the next few weeks, @instagram are rolling out some changes from allowing you to see how long you spend scrolling (and get reminded when it’s been to long ????) to letting you control who comments on your posts to prevent body bullies... or just normal kinda bullies! You know that I recommend you unsubscribe to anyone whose feed does not inspire you. Because it works. Take control of your feed. And given than its #loveyourbodyweek, its the perfect time to do this. ☺️???? I so loved speaking alongside @thebutterflyfoundation and @reachout_aus this morning at the @sportsgirl and @instagram event this morning. #controlyourfeed

A post shared by LYNDI COHEN (@nude_nutritionist) on


- Zamislite da vidite normalna tijela u novinama i na televiziji ili na društvenim mrežama. Biste li lakše prihvatili svoj izgled i tijelo točno takvim kakvo je? Ja sigurno bih - zaključila je.

TRIKOVI KOJIMA SE SLUŽE KAKO BI NAS PREVARILI: Instagram na mnogo načina uljepšava stvarnost, a ovo su neki od njih

Život prikazan na Instagramu često je potpuno drugačiji od stvarnosti, a u galeriji smo okupili neke od trikova kojima se ljudi na Instagramu služe kako bi nas zavarali.























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