JESTE LI I VI PRIMIJETILI? Ovim potezom je Luka Modrić oduševio svijet!
Luka Modrić, kapiten reprezentacije Hrvatske, sinoć je oduševio cijeli sportski svijet i to svojom srčanosti i predanosti.
Naime, društvene mreže i mediji, sinoć, a i danas preplavljene su pohvalama za Modrića, koji je proglašen i igračem utakmice.
Ono što je posebno oduševilo sve je Lukina predanost i to što ni u jednom trenutku nije posustao, niti pokazao da je umoran. Od prve do zadnje minute Modrić je igrao kao da mu život ovisi o tome i to se je itekako primijetilo.
„Legende se rađaju na terenu, a ne u medijima!“
„Način na koji se borio danas, način na koji je trčao i jednostavno vodio svoj tim. Nemam riječi“, samo si neki od komentara....
Legends are made on the pitch, not in the media!! #Modric ????????#RUSCRO #WorldCup
— تـامـر الـصـغـيــــر (@TamerElSaghir) 7. srpnja 2018.
— Os ???? ???????????????? (@Nas_alwarda) 7. srpnja 2018.
Great example of why #Modric is one of the best midfielders in the world, 17th minute of extra time and he's chasing a ball down to the corner flag, total dedication plus great fitness from a model pro. #croatia #worldcup
— Rob Kane (@Robkanecomedian) 7. srpnja 2018.
The King!#Modric #Croatia #CroatiavsRussia #CRO
— Ahmad (@AhmadRMFC) 7. srpnja 2018.
Croatian class in one frame... ???????? #Modric #Subasic #CROvRUS #WorldCup2018 #Croatia
— Rachna Trivedi (@RachanaTrivedi1) 7. srpnja 2018.
Yep. You can never hate him. #Modric
— Abdulrazzag.. (@elldoncristiano) 7. srpnja 2018.
#Modric, what a display!
— David Kappel (@kappilinho) 7. srpnja 2018.
140 touches
102 passes
87.3% pass accuracy
8 dribbles
4 key passes
1 assist
1 converted penalty
Deserved Man of the Match!#WorldCup #RUSCRO
I have been tweeting praises about Luka Modric intensely the past 2 hours but...Wow. The way he fought today, the way he was running & simply leading his team. I have no words left.
— The Godmother (@Shlerooo) 7. srpnja 2018.
Just give him the #BallonDOr and the entire world cup. He deserves it all. #Modric #CRO
Tears came off, for the country which is not really mine.
— Shubham Pune (@SwarrajPune) 8. srpnja 2018.
A small dot on World Map, with 4M population.
No stadium in the country.#Zlatko, #Subasic, Croatian President & #Modric.
Two outside & two inside d ground bt they all played.#Croatia #Russia#CRO #RUS #RUSCRO#WorldCup