PROMIJENILA JE SAMO JEDNU STVAR: Nakon toga njeno tijelo doživjelo je transformaciju

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PROMIJENILA JE SAMO JEDNU STVAR: Nakon toga njeno tijelo doživjelo je transformaciju

Djevojka po imenu Jessika Zalums, uspjela je transformisati svoje tijelo, a to je postigla na vrlo jednostavan način.

Australijanka Jessika Zalums na Instagramu je objavila proces transformacije njenog tijela i oduševljena sa svojim pratiocima podijelila rezultate.

Ona sredinom aprila odlučila da započne proces 30-dnevnog čišćenja u kom nije bilo alkohola, kofeina, šećera, i pritom se pridržavala specijalnog programa u ishrani.

Samo mjesec dana kasnije ova 28-godišnjakinja izgubila je više od 3 kilograma, struk joj se stanjio za pet centimetara , a svaka butina za po dva, priznala je da se osjeća bolje nego ikad.

"Tipičan dnevni meni izgledao je ovako: čokoladni smoothie za doručak, potom banane i kikiriki puter za jutarnju užinu, kuhana hrana za ručak, humus i štapići od povrća za popodnevnu užinu, večera puna proteina, složenih ugljikohidrata i povrća, i na kraju crna čokolada za dezert", objasnila je.

A uz to je i vježbala, tri puta sedmično je išla u teretanu i dugu šetnju.

Evo kako izgleda njena transformacija u fotografijama:


3 0 • D A Y • R E S U L T S . I did it!! 30 days complete! ???????????? . GOALS . ????lose 2kg (not the most important one but significant number as it’s the weight I feel most “me” at) ????transition from breastfeeding / pregnancy program to full program for 30 days ????Get my mojo back which I haven’t had for two years since I gave my body to my beautiful baby ????Gain back ENERGY that doesn’t rely on caffeine! Huge goal... ????Shed a few cm’s off my stubborn areas (tummy and thighs) ????Get better results from my work outs (that are visibly noticeable) . RESULTS . ????LOST 3kg!! ????COMPLETED the program for 30 days, cut back of coffee and wine, did nourishing days and had regular cleanse days ????FINALLY feeling like I have my old body back that I had in my mid-20’s ????ENERGY consistent without highs and lows from caffeine and waking feeling well rested ????SHED 5cm off my waist and 2cm from each thigh!!! Did NOT expect this. ????TONED up from my work outs which is possibly the most incredible results given I didn’t change what I was already doing at the gym!!! . Guys, this stuff works. If I didn’t already have belief from the hundreds of legends in my team that I’ve coached to their results, I have excitement and belief TENFOLD now! . Anyone in Sydney, I am sharing said excitement at my place tomorrow morning (10am) - nibbles and goodie bag provided. . If you’re not in Sydney just comment or pm me and I’ll send you my food plan. . EVERYONE deserves to feel this GOOD! ???? ???? ???? . . . #autumnglowcleanse #cleanse #30daycleanse #energy #mumlife #fitmum #mumsofinstagram #nourishyourbody

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????????POST EASTER SHRED???????? . Anyone else overindulge on chocolate, alcohol and hot cross buns this weekend...? . DON’T PANIC... so did we once upon a time (...okay and maybe again this weekend!) and check our results from our last reset! . ???????????????? . That’s a clue. It works. . ...and we’re kicking off another reboot now. THAT’S what this program is truly about - having a reliable and simple lifestyle system that always has your back. ???????? . There’s a huge group of us kicking off the post Easter Shred on APRIL 9th and 16th April, join us! ????‍♀️ . What you get: ???? FREE 12 months membership & your own online shop ???? 30 day nutritional cleanse program delivered to your door ???? Private coaching & accountability group ???? ME and more legends like the women and mums in these pics, as your mentors ???? FREE entry into the 16 week challenge with $20,000 in cash up for grabs in prizes ???? To feel & look AWESOME! ???? To drop unwanted kilos ???? To regain energy and healthy habits ???? To be part of an awesome, supportive community ???? A new healthy lifestyle . Tag TWO FRIENDS in this post below that you would LOVE to have on this journey with you! . We’ll add you to our private Facebook group to help you decide if this is for you. . #posteasterSHRED #projectfreedomforce #autumnglowcleanse

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...and then I Falafel in love. . ????????????????

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