ZGODNA NUTRICIONISTICA RAZBIJA NAJVEĆE MITOVE O ZDRAVOJ PREHRANI: ‘Od salate nećete biti mršaviji, kao ni od kolača deblji’

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ZGODNA NUTRICIONISTICA RAZBIJA NAJVEĆE MITOVE O ZDRAVOJ PREHRANI: ‘Od salate nećete biti mršaviji, kao ni od kolača deblji’

Neobična nutricionistica prikazuje proces zdrave prehrane i vježbanja na dosad neviđen način.
Kad je riječ o zdravoj prehrani, mnogi misle da je to skup i zahtjevan proces koji uzima mnogo vremena. Ali sve su to samo mitovi, pitate li atraktivnu nutricionisticu koja se proslavila na Instagramu.


Calling all Brisbane/ Australian based health professionals! This event will help any health professional succeed in business ???????? Run by @healthleadership it showcases many streams of business including the social media panel with myself ????????‍♀️ @mrtimrobards & @glennmackintosh ???????? Come watch us talk about all things social media related & learn how to take your business to the next level ???????? As health professionals, we get taught the evidence but not necessarily how to create a brand or bring clients through the door. This conference will change your life! ???? The In Business In Health event is a two day conference held in Brisbane on February the 9th & 10th. For a discounted ticket - use my code: “LEANNEW” for 10% off ???????? To buy tickets see @healthleadership ???? See you there!! ???????? . . . . . . . . . . #brisbane #brisbaneconference #brisbaneeats #visitbrisbane #socialmedia #brisbaneblogger #eeeeats #healthyfood #health #healthprofessional #nourish #wholefoods #delicious #foodblogger #weightloss #healthylifestyle #jerf #nutrients #yummyfood #foodinspo #mealinspo #cheatday #iifym #macros #blogger #alliedhealth #visitqueensland #smallbusiness

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Leanne Ward (28) iz Brisbanea želi ljudima pokazati kako zdravo ne mora nužno biti teško, dosadno i skupo.


I’m backkkkkkk ???? I had some much needed time off social media and a gorgeous holiday at Noosa too but I went back to work yesterday (I’m a full time clinical dietitian) so thought I’d come back to insta & share my 2018 goals with you guys: . . - Spend more quality time with loved ones & put my phone away . . - Get outdoors more (beach, hikes etc) . . - Prioritise sleep with 8 hours a night of quality sleep . . - Travel more & create more memories with @brisbane_local . . - Learn to enjoy & live in the moment without my phone/ camera . . - Find a better balance with social media & have 2 days off a week . . - Practise yoga & stretch daily . . - Invest some of my savings this year . . - Be grateful everyday . . - Stop worrying/stressing about little things that won’t matter in a few years . . - Appreciate that everyone has their own battle & stop judging people . . - Take more of a health focus this year instead of an appearance focus. . . - Throw out my scales! . . - Learn how to use my camera properly & edit better quality photos (my terrible attempt at Lightroom is seen in this photo ????) . . What goals do you guys have this year? I think setting goals is a great way to keep you motivated & accountable ???????????????? I re visit my goals at the end of every month and either cross them off, change them or keep progressing with them ???? Tell me your top goal for 2018 below ???????????????? . . . . . . . . #weightloss #vegetables #salad #dietitian #healthyeating #2018 #goalsetting #selflove #cleaneating #nutrients #weightlossmotivation #motivation #eatgoodfeelgood #eatthisnotthat #fitfood #gains #fitfoodporn #abs #eatforabs #nutrition #wholefoods #eatmoreplants #bbg #eatforhealth

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Industrija zdravlja zbunjuje ljude
Na svom Instagramu, ova fitness nutricionistica često razbija mitove o mršavljenju i zdravoj prehrani. Tako, npr., kaže da se ništa loše neće dogoditi ako pojedete kolač ili muffin. “Život je o pronalasku ravnoteže, od jednog se kolača nećete udebljati, a vježbanje uspješno uklanja stres. Jedite razumno, nastavite dalje bez grižnje savjesti, sljedeći obrok neka bude zdrav i sjetite se da ste legenda”!


I get so many questions from girls about restricting, bingeing then restricting again ???????? The key to long term weight loss/ maintaining a healthy lifestyle is to ALLOW YOURSELF TO EAT THE FOODS YOU LOVE! ???????????????????? I’m not saying to eat them in enormous portions, or when you’re bored or stressed or because they’re just in front of you. I’m saying allow yourself to eat small amounts of anything you please when you’re truly hungry & present in the moment (practise mindful eating). By letting yourself eat ‘naughty’ foods you’re not restricting anything from your diet so you’re much less likely to binge or overeat. ALLOW YOURSELF TO EAT DELICIOUS FOOD - it’s the first step to maintaining a life long healthy lifestyle ???????? Don’t beat yourself up because you ate a cupcake/cookie/chocolate block etc etc Follow the steps listed in my photo & give yourself a break - we’re all human & even I have eaten an entire pack of chips in one sitting (yes red rock chips are my weakness ????). If this happens I don’t beat myself up, I don’t restrict myself the next day & I don’t over exercise to compensate. I simply move on - I add extra veggies to my next meal & remind myself what a legend I am ????????‍♀️ Tag a friend who needs to read this ???????? Post inspired by the gorgeous @so_plantbased ???? . . . . . . . . #comparison #loveyourself #mindfullyeating #mealprep #loveyourbody #girlpower #fitnessmeals#intuitiveeating #healthnotdiets #healthyfood #bbg #gymfood#motivationforfitness #strongnotskinny#cleaneats #cleaneating #lifestyle#foodforfuel #abs #chickswholift #fitfoodporn#girlswholift #iifym #foodcomparisons #girlboss #gains #macros

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Ward smatra da je industrija zdravlja često zbunjujuća. “Zdravo ne znači brojenje kalorija, sumanuto vježbanje i svakodnevno vaganje. Zdravo izgleda različito na različitim ljudima. Moj je cilj naučiti ljude, osobito žene, da zavole svoje tijelo, da ga njeguju i redovito pomiču”, kaže.


SERIOUSLY! So many of my clients restrict carbs at night as they think they will make them gain weight ‼️ They won't... as long as the carbs/meals you consume are within your energy budget. Ie... any macronutrients (carbs, fat & protein) will make you gain weight if you're eating in surplus (too much food for your body's needs). As long as the calories you're consuming at night are within your body's required amounts, you will not gain weight. . . Simple as that ????????Doesn't matter if it's carbs, fat, protein or a mix of all of them... your body simply won't gain weight at night unless you're eating above your requirements ???? My top tip is to space your carbohydrate intake around your training, your body responds best & uptakes carbs easiest straight after an exercise session. I eat 150g of rice at dinner most nights after my workout... I also have carbs the morning after training & just before my training sessions ???????? I haven't gained any weight as my body needs these carbs to recover & fuel my body ????Thanks @sarah.j.murphy @mybetter_self for the inspo for this post ????Ask me questions below ???????????????? Tag a friend you think this will help ???????????????? . . . . . . . #thefitnessdietitian #macros #healthytips #cleaneating #portiondistortion #healthyrecipe #fitfood #carbs #bbg #mealplan #cleaneating #toptips #eatthisnotthat #bbg #portiondistortion #caloriecounting #healthyfood #weekend #weightloss #eatinghealthy #sunday #healthyoptions #iifym #mealprep #weightlossmotivation #foodprep #choosesmart #slimmingworld #cleaneats

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Nema univerzalnog recepta
Kad jedete cjelovite i hranjive namirnice, tijelo će vam reći kad je dosta, tvrdi Ward. S druge strane, razbija mit o jedenju tjestenine navečer. “Ugljikohidrati poslije 17 sati neće vas udebljati. Porcija tjetenine ima jednak broj kalorija u 17 h i u 22 h”, ilustrira Ward.

Kaže ona kako je ipak najveći od svih mitova onaj da je jedna dijeta ili jedna životni stil najbolji za sve ljude na svijetu. “Ne zavaravajte se da će ono što je pomoglo vašem prijatelju ili članu obitelji upaliti i s vama. Ljudi me često pitaju koliko kalorija ja jedem i koliko imam kilograma, ali to je potpuno nevažno. Visoka sam 183 cm, stoga će ono što ja jedem djelovati drugačije na nekog tko ima 153 cm. Svi smo mi individualci”, objašnjava Ward.


My girl Tina from @fitchickscook posts the best photos just like this one! ???????????????? . Eating healthy doesn't mean starving and depriving yourself! In fact, starving yourself may even lead to binging later on. You can still eat well and be fully satisfied! . Here's an example of one of her meals: Healthy fats: egg yolks, salmon Good carbs: Baked sweet potato Protein: Eggs and salmon Veggies: raw parsley, steamed bok choy and Chinese broccoli Fermented food: kimchi . Follow her for more inspo ✨ @fitchickscook ???????? #fitfood #cooking #fitspo #fitmeals#fitnessjourney #cleaneating #fitnessmeals#food #foodporn #healthyfood #portioncontrol #gymfood#motivationforfitness #fitfoodporn#cleaneats #cleaneating #foodprep#foodforfuel #fitfoodporn#absaremadeinthekitchen #iifym #foodcomparisons #mealprepsunday #mealprepmondays#macros

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Vježbanje treba uvrstiti u raspored
Savjetuje da svakako pronađete vremena za zdravlje i fitness: “Svi mi vodimo iscrpljujuće stilove života i nikad ne stignemo ništa učiniti za sebe. Uglavnom smo navečer toliko umorni da je najlakše naručiti dostavu i zavaliti se na kauč. Potičem žene da razmišljaju o zdravlju i fitnessu kao o investiciji u vlastitu budućnost. Uvrstite vježbanje u svoj planer kao da je riječ o važnom poslovnom sastanku.”

“Ljudi trebaju razumjeti da nitko ne može biti savršen cijelo vrijeme. Ako se i popiknete u svojoj dijeti i pokleknete pred izazovnom poslasticom, nije kraj svijeta. Istina je da vas jedna salata neće učiniti zdravijima, ali ni da vas jedna porcija brze hrane neće udebljati”, kaže Ward za Daily Mail.


Being the new year - so many of my clients have started crazy diets to shed the December gains ????????‍♀️ I’m just here to remind you guys that healthy = balanced, moderation, healthy = still being able to enjoy your favourite foods, healthy = not punishing yourself with exercise & healthy = enjoying occasional treats!! ???? You can still see results without restricting everything in your diet or spending a ton of money on expensive supplements ✖️ Remember: One ice cream wont blow your healthy eating plan and eating one salad a week won’t make you loose weight. The key to a healthy lifestyle is consistency!!! ???????? The 80/20 approach has always been my favourite - wholesome meals always loaded with salads & veggies the majority of the time with a little ice cream or wine occasionally too ????????Thanks to my girl @meowmeix for the pic inspo ???? Tag a friend below who needs to hear this ???????? . . . . . . . . . . #icecream #healthylifestyle #weightloss #vegetables #salad #cleaneating #nutrients #weightlossmotivation #moderation #motivation #dietitian #eatgoodfeelgood #eatthisnotthat #fitfood #gains #2018 #fitfoodporn #abs #eatforabs #nutrition #wholefoods #healthyeating #nutrition #eatmoreplants #bbg #eatforhealth

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