PUKAO BRAK POZNATOG SPORTISTE: Njegova supruga objavila poruku od koje ćete se naježiti!

PUKAO BRAK POZNATOG SPORTISTE: Njegova supruga objavila poruku od koje ćete se naježiti!

Poslije godinu dana pukao je brak Velimira Stjepanovića i Džesike Oil. Vjenčanje je bilo romantično i glamurozno, a vijest o prekidu objavila je na Instagram profilu.


“Ovo je bila jedna od najgorih godina u mom životu. Ocu mi je postavljena dijagnoza rijetkog neurodegenerativnog oboljenja, došla sam pred oltar samo da bih shvatila da nije trebalo to da uradim, i izašla sam iz veze duge šest godina. Ali sjedim u iznajmljenom stanu u Njujorku i ipak sam OK. Nekad se zbog toga osjećam krivom. Prvi put mogu da ispričam svoju priču a da se ne ‘raspadnem’ kompletno. Glas mi se trese, ali riječi teku. Možda konačno počinje moje izlječenje. Zašto je to uvijek tako čudan osjećaj”, napisala je između ostalog  Džesika.


This year has been one of the worst years of my life. My dad got diagnosed with a rare neurodegenerative disease. I walked down the aisle only to realize that it was not supposed to be so I walked away from a six year relationship. But I sit here in my New York Airbnb and I can’t help but feel OK. Sometimes I feel guilty for that. For the first time in a long time I can tell my story without completely falling apart. My voice shakes but my words flow. Maybe, I am finally starting to heal. Why does that feel so weird? I almost got used to feeling heavy all the time that when I wake up without that weight pressing on my chest it feels weird, like wait a second, is this normal? I know that had everything been different this year, I wouldn’t be sitting in here writing this caption. I would have still been half asleep, going through the motions of everyday life, numb and all too comfortable with standing still. Moments like these make me feel like maybe this year hasn’t been in vain. Yes, it has been brutal. It broke me in ways I never could have imagined. Some days I still find myself crippled underneath the weight of it all. But it also woke me up. It shook me. I am wide awake, for the first time in a long time. And for that, I am grateful. #LETSSTARTYOGA #ALOYOGA ________________________________________

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