NOGOMETNI SVIJET U SUZAMA: Odali počast malom anđelu!

Nogometni svijet je u suzama. Bradley Lowery, dječak koji se borio s vrlo rijetkim oblikom tumora, neuroblastomom, je danas preminuo u šestoj godini života.
Veliki navijač Sunderlanda
Bradley je bio navijač Sunderlanda, a borio se s rijetkim oblikom tumora, no danas je preminuo od posljedica ove teške bolesti u šestoj godini života.
Tako su Fifa, veliki klubovi i nogometaši s poštovanjem ispratili Bradleyja.
Today, the football world lost one of its bravest fans.
— (@FIFAcom) July 7, 2017
Rest in peace, Bradley Lowery.
All at Chelsea are deeply saddened to learn of Bradley Lowery's passing. He touched all of us with his bravery and winning smile.
— Chelsea FC (@ChelseaFC) July 7, 2017
The thoughts of everyone at Aston Villa are with the Lowery family after today's devastating news
— Aston Villa FC (@AVFCOfficial) July 7, 2017
RIP Bradley
He touched all of our hearts. Rest in peace, @Bradleysfight.
— Swansea City AFC (@SwansOfficial) July 7, 2017