NE DAJTE DA VAS ZAVARAVAJU: Ovako zaista izgleda žensko tijelo nakon porođaja (FOTO)

NE DAJTE DA VAS ZAVARAVAJU: Ovako zaista izgleda žensko tijelo nakon porođaja (FOTO)

Kirsten Sullivan odlučila je da na društvenim mrežama objavi fotografiju nastalu samo nekoliko sedmica nakon porođaja kako bi pokazala svima da ne trebaju osjećati stid ako im tijelo ovako izgleda.

"Trebalo mi je vremena da se odlučim objaviti ovo. Fotkala sam se tri dana prije nego sam rodila svoje drugo dijete i tri sedmice nakon poroda, a sve kako bih curama pokazala da ponekad uopće nije važno jeste li deblji ili mršaviji, vježbate li ili ne, ovo se jednostvno može dogoditi svakoj od vas i ne trebate osjećati sram zbog toga. Internet je pun fotografija savršenih tijela desetak dana nakon poroda koje deprimiraju majke i u onako osjetljivom razdoblju. Vratit će se trbuh na mjesto, kad tad!", napisala je ona.


It took me 4 days to decide whether or not to share this. But recently there have been moms reaching out to me based on some things I've shared, so here goes. The left pic is 3 days before I delivered Gavin (my 2nd child), the right pic is 3 weeks postpartum. I'm sharing this to show moms that sometimes it doesn't matter if you're thin, ate right and exercised during pregnancy, sometimes your body grows in such a way that simply doesn't allow you to "bounce back" in friggen 3 weeks. I feel like all I've been seeing is new moms sharing their amazing postpartum bods, 11 days after birth, 2 weeks after birth, etc. And while that's wonderful for them, for many others, KNOW that it's not realistic! While I won't be totally sure till 6 weeks, I have a strong feeling that I've got #diastasisrecti (separation of the abs), in which case I'm determined to get the PT I need to heal. I've also been wearing a postpartum corset for extra support. But in the meantime, I'm giving my body a chance to breathe. Did you SEE how far my belly stretched?! There is no race to bounce back moms. We'll get there!! #postpartum

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