Danas se djevojkama nameće mršavost kao savršen izgled, a mnoge ponesene tim trendom završe anoreksijom.
Danas se djevojkama nameće mršavost kao savršen izgled, a mnoge ponesene tim trendom završe anoreksijom.
Jedna od njih i Megan Jayne Crabbe koja ima 23 godine.
Uspjela je da dovede sebe na samo 29 kilograma, te je bila na ivici smrti.
"Nisam bila zadovoljna svojim izgledom. Mislila sam da treba da budem što mršavija. Gubila sam kilogram, po kilogram. Svaki dan sam mislila, pa dobro, neka, hajde da skinem još malo kilaže. I tako sam dovela sebe do 29 kilograma. Potpuno nevjerovatno! Bila sam na ivici smrti. Ležala sam u krevetu i bukvalno nisam mogla da ustanem iz njega. Tada sam shvatila da je situacija sljedeća: Ili da umrem ili da se ugojim". - izjavila je Megan.
Megan je odlučila da ozdravi.
"Znala sam da ako ne uspijem da se ugojim da sam gotova. Riješila sam da popravim svoj život i da se povratim. Počela sam da jedem i da ne marim za kilograme, tačnije, marila sam, ali da ih dobijem". - kaže Megan, te dodaje:
"Ne pada mi na pamet da se vraćam na staro. Neki mi danas kažu da imam višak kilograma, ali, ja sam sada ipak sretnija nego onda."
Do you wanna know the truth about gaining weight? Because I've done a whole lot of it. I used to believe that my life would end over a couple of extra pounds on the scale. I used to believe that losing weight was the most important thing in the world. I used to believe that there was no such thing as going too far, getting too thin, losing too much. Then I nearly lost my life. There were only two options left: gain weight, or die. So I gained weight. More and more. Anorexia morphed into binge eating disorder and within a year I'd gone from 65lbs lying on my death bed to 180lbs, right back to self loathing and wanting to lose weight more than anything in the world. I lost and gained hundreds of pounds over the years. I'd clawed my way back from the edge and still I believed that happiness could be found in the dropping numbers on a bathroom scale. Until I realised that no weight loss had ever made me happy. No amount of disappeared pounds had made me stop hating my body. And chasing thinness had made me lose much more than weight - I'd lost myself. Now I know that no matter how much extra jiggle might come along, nothing important about me will have changed. I'll still have the same heart, the same mind, the same passion, the same love. The scale will never be able to tell me anything about myself that truly matters. It doesn't have the power to define me - only I do. And I refuse to keep chasing that empty promise of happiness granted through restriction and self hatred. I'll take my happiness right now. We are all so worthy of it, exactly as we are. Don't be afraid of gaining weight, my love. There's a whole life for you to gain when you stop letting those numbers dictate your worth.