
The municipality of Prnjavor is located in the basin of the River Ukrina, between the mountains Motajica on the north and Ljubić on the south. This place is excellent for hunting and fishing.

The municipality of Prnjavor is located in the basin of the River Ukrina, between the mountains Motajica on the north and Ljubić on the south. This place is excellent for hunting and fishing.

Also Prnjavor is called „Little Europe“ because of its ethnic diversity and the presence of a large number of nations and nationalities living at this territory. 

Main tourist attractions of Prnjavor is Spa Kulaši, with one century of tradition. Water in the spa is bacteriologically completely sterile, with high alkalinity (pH 11.75) and low mineralization (168 mg/l). There are only seven such springs in the entire world. River Ukrina flows along the spa – it is good for swimming, sport fishing, and surrounded by rich hunting grounds.

