Brusa Bezistan

Brusa Bezistan
Brusa Bezistan is one of the most interesting buildings in Baščaršija.

Brusa Bezistan is one of the most interesting buildings in Baščaršija. Rectangular ground plan and four entrances on all four sides, connects handicraft streets Kundurdžiluk, Large and Small Čurčiluk with Abadžiluk as well as the market-place.

It was built by order of Grand Vizier Rustem Pasha Croats in 1551. The Brusa Bezistan was damaged during the 1992-1995 siege of Sarajevo. Nowadays, this beauteous Bezistan is one of the most popular museums in Sarajevo.

It houses one of the Sarajevo Museum’s regular expositions, and thus contributing the continued survival of this building.
