Pearly waters of Martin Brod keep the Legend of Forbidden Love

Pearly waters of Martin Brod keep the Legend of Forbidden Love
No other Bosnian town gives so much importance to water as the town of Martin Brod, where the confluence of Unac and Una river formed a unique and wide known waterfalls. These two rivers offer a quality river fish which attract a large number of fishermen from all parts of the world.

No other Bosnian town gives so much importance to water as the town of Martin Brod, where the confluence of Unac and Una river formed a unique and wide known waterfalls.  These two rivers offer a quality river fish which attract a large number of fishermen from all parts of the world.

The unique place of the natural beauty is possible to see from many bridges and viewpoints, with the sounds of nature, forests, water and trees. The whole area has recently become a part of Una National Park.

This natural environment is hidden from the eye of oridnary passengers by the chain of Dinara Mountain, but every year the ineterst for fishing and hiking grows, gathering more and more nature lovers who enjoy this place. 

Everyone who visits this city had to hear the legend about beautiful girl named Marta, who rushing to meet her beloved one, drowned  in Una river and disappeared.  Marta's attempt of crossing the river or ship was called Martin Brod (Marta's Ship),  the famous legend how this city got its name. 
