Djevojke sa Instagrama ne izgledaju ni blizu kao na slikama, a ove fotografije to dokazuju (FOTO)

Djevojke sa Instagrama ne izgledaju ni blizu kao na slikama, a ove fotografije to dokazuju (FOTO)

Jasno je kako svako može biti lijep na Instagramu, ako se barem malo potrudi. Instagram nudi pregršt filtera za uređivanje slika, te tako svaka prosječna djevojka postane prave ljepotica.

U stvarnosti mnoge "kraljice Instagrama" izgledaju sasvim prosječno, a ove fotografije to i dokazuju:



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It's been a while since I've done a posed vs relaxed but I know how many of you guys love them ❤️ . Both of these poses are beautiful. The media would try to tell me only one of them is but NAAHHHH because that comes from an ignorant, one-sided, profit making, beauty ideal that I AINT HERE FOR. . Our bodies move, grow and change shape all day everyday. It's been hounded on us for so long that only a still image in which we are posed and tensed is beautiful but it's simply not true... jiggle, rolls, fat, cellulite, extra skin (fanx pregnancy I love ya) are glorious, beautiful and REAL. . I could 'pose' all my photos, make myself fit a little better into the mould that society wants me to but then i would miss out on being my glorious self, further strengthen the hold the media's 'beauty ideal' has on us and put out a message I don't want to send... . Love yourself for who you are in this moment ❤️ . These are not control underwear, just high waisted briefs and my underwear set is from @bouxavenue

A post shared by Milly Smith


#makeup #amateur #beginner #belajarmakeup #beauty #instabeauty #instapict #selfie #instagramvsreal

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