INTERVJU/USPJEŠNA BOSANKA AIDA MANDIĆ U MICHIGANU: Budite spremni na veliki rad, odricanja i nemojte se bojati da iskoristite svoju pamet

INTERVJU/USPJEŠNA BOSANKA AIDA MANDIĆ U MICHIGANU: Budite spremni na veliki rad, odricanja i nemojte se bojati da iskoristite svoju pamet
INTERVJU/USPJEŠNA BOSANKA AIDA MANDIĆ U MICHIGANU: Budite spremni na veliki rad, odricanja i nemojte se bojati da iskoristite svoju pamet
Aida Mandić rođena je u Sarajevu 15. novembra 1990. godine. Kada su ratna dejstva pogodila našu zemlju, ona je sa majkom napustila Sarajevo. Danas je Aida uspješna poduzetnica, spisateljica, aktivistkinja, novinarka, tekstopisac, ali i još dosta toga.

Aida Mandić rođena je u Sarajevu 15. novembra 1990. godine. Kada su ratna dejstva pogodila našu zemlju, ona je sa majkom napustila Sarajevo. Danas je Aida uspješna poduzetnica, spisateljica, aktivistkinja, novinarka, tekstopisac, ali i još dosta toga.

Aida živi i radi u Michiganu, a za naš portal govorila je o svojoj impresivnoj biografiji, životu u Michiganu, odlasku iz BiH, a za čitaoce portala podijelila je i poemu koju je ona napisala, a koja zauzima posebno mjesto u njenom srcu.


NOVI.BA: Svi oni koji posjete Vaš profil na Facebooku mogu pročitati Vašu impresivnu biografiju. Možete li nam reći nešto više o sebi za sve naše čitatelje koji nisu imali priliku do sada da Vas upoznaju?

AIDA MANDIĆ: Rođena sam u Sarajevu i kad sam navrsila dvije godine, izašla sam iz rata s majkom. Živjele smo u Češkoj u kampu oko sedam mjeseci. Poslije toga smo otišle u Francusku u Pariz i nakon sedam mjeseci ponovo u avion i u Maleziju gdje smo živjeli 4 godine. Moj otac je tesko ranjen u ratu i kao ranjenik je otišao na liječenje. Sastali smo se u Maleziji i iz Malezije smo došli u Ameriku. Ja sam imala 7 godina i krenula sam u školu. U Americi su škole drugačije nego u BiH. Ja sam učila i završila sam gimnaziju s visokim prosjekom i bila top student generacije. Obzirom da sam radila razne stvari jos kao đak u gimnaziji i zbog visokih ocjena, dobila sam mnogo nagrada i stipendija tako da sam mogla platiti školovanje na jednom od najbolji fakulteta u Americi. Obzirom da zivimo u Michiganu, ja sam izabrala U of M - Ann Arbor. Također sam izabrala za studiji van Amerike - Oxford, gdje sam studirala engleski. Nakon završenog fakulteta, radila sam na stvaranju start-up-a koji je vec postavljen na Internet i zove se Searchkey. Također sam pisala knjigu poezije i pjesama koja se zove "A Candid Aim" (A Candid Aim = iskren cilj). 

A Candid Aim


NOVI.BA: Šta Vas inspiriše u životu i kako Vi motivišete druge ljude?

AIDA MANDIĆ: Kad mi je bilo 11 godina, prvi put sam s majkom posjetila Bosnu i vidjela u prvom susretu s Sarajevom izgorene zgrade bez vrata i prozora i tada sam shvatila kroz šta je Bosanski narod prošao. Rasplakala sam se. Nakon te posjete uvijek sam nosila tu sliku s sobom i u isto vrijeme se u meni rodila želja da nastavim raditi, boriti se i truditi se za sve one nevine ljude koji su stradali i za djecu koja nisu imala šansu da narastu. Taj moj unutrašnji doživljaj mi je ogromna inspiracija. Dala sam sebi obećanje s 11 godina da nikad necu pušiti, piti, ni se drogirati i da nikad neću biti destruktivna. Ta posjeta me duboko dotakla i u isto vrijeme mi je dala ogromnu snagu da istrajem i u meni se stvorila želja da tu nešto veliko promjenim. Još uvijek ne znam oblik toga i te promjene, ali ne odustajem.


NOVI.BA: Kako je navedeno u Vašoj biografiji, živjeli ste na tri kontinenta i 5 zemalja. Kakve uspomene Vas vežu za svako od ovih mjesta?

AIDA MANDIĆ: U Češkoj sam zivjela kad mi je bilo 2 godine i imam samo jednu uspomenu. Sjećam se da sam se u kampu borila s jednim dječakom preko neke casete. U mom sjećanju ja sam pobijedila. Iz Pariza se sječam samo njihovih velikih parkova za djecu. Prva misao na Maleziju mi padne slika papaje. Mojoj mami su rekli da je papaja najzdravije voće i ja sam je morala jesti svaki dan. Nisam bila oduševljena, ali nisam imala izbora. Protiv moje mame ne možeš pobijediti. Također u Maleziji me moj otac upisao u Montessori školu za malu djecu kad sam imala 5 godina. Treći dan polaska u školu, pitala sam moju mamu, "Je li moram ovo raditi svaki dan?". Doživljavala sam to kao zatvor i naravno da sam morala ići sve do diplomiranja "male" škole s 6 godina.


NOVI.BA: Kada ste zadnji put posjetili BiH i da li Vam nešto nedostaje?

AIDA MANDIĆ: Bila sam u ljeto 2014. godine s mamom. Nedostaje mi mnogo toga, prije svega naš bosanski duh, pogled iz aviona na naša brda i naše bosanske krave, a onda možda ćevapi s Baščaršije i jagnjetina s Jablanice i naravno plavi Jadran. 


NOVI.BA: Imate li neku motivacijsku poruku za sve mlade ljude koji žele svoju budućnost graditi van BiH? 

AIDA MANDIĆ: Budite spremni na veliki rad, odricanja i nemojte se bojati da iskoristite svoju pamet i talent i nemojte se plašiti prepreka. Divno je ako imate podršku porodice ili nekog iz blizine. 


NOVI.BA: Jedna od Vaših ljubavi je i pisanje poezije, a nedavno ste izdali i knjigu. Možete li nam reći nešto više o knjizi, pa čak i podijeliti sa našim čitateljima poemu koja zauzima posebno mjesto u Vašem srcu?

AIDA MANDIĆ: Knjiga je slika mog životnog puta i događaja i mog načina da prihvatim ili ne prihvatim situacije s kojima sam se susretala i mog načina proživljavanja svega. 

Living On Borrowed Time (Živjeti u posuđenom vremenu), Aida Mandić
This world is living on borrowed time
People are consumed by their greed, lovin' that social climb
We see it in the news every day
Everyone wants to get their way
Genocide broke out in Bosnia, babies were bombed
So nationalism could have its wrath calmed
Minefields and rape were everywhere, six feet deep
How can murder cause the world to sleep
It terrifies me that torture is accepted
I'm hurt from all the drama and pain
People treat each other like strangers, so vain
Unaware of the dangers that come with spilling blood
All this hate is causing a massive flood
A Trojan horse seems to have entered our mind
Because we don't wanna leave negativity behind
The insatiable desire to own more land
Has caused dignity to disappear like quicksand
It's such a contradiction to have fake friends
Especially when they lead you to dead ends
All these social ills are making me sick
How many more bloody hills do we have to see
Before we start having heart for you and me
Because love has turned into a crime
That's why this world is living on borrowed time (again)
Because love has turned into a crime
That's why this world is living on borrowed time (again)
(I'm scared 'cause) this world is living on borrowed time
It doesn't matter what you do, love's covered in grime
The sniper is searching for a way to destroy our soul (and)
People frozen, dime a dozen, losing every single cousin
(I'm scared 'cause) this world is living on borrowed time
It doesn't matter what you do, love's covered in grime
The sniper is searching for a way to destroy our soul (and)
People frozen, dime a dozen, losing every single cousin
My mother was a civil lawyer, forced to leave normality
Worked as a waitress, babysitter, and cleaner 'cause of society's mentality
That somehow she wasn't qualified for her job
Because immigrants have their identity robbed
Back when she was a teacher in Malaysia
She taught her Bosnian students not to hate
She wanted peace and love to be their fate
The Chetniks and Ustašas spewed poison everywhere they went
They wanted to cause a big dent
To spread tension and anger was their goal
Stressing out children, they don't have a soul
Politics, filth, and corruption are signs of ignorance
They survive when people show indifference
Those in power who are made of slime
Are causing this world to live on borrowed time
My father feels invisible, he's unemployed and disabled
Filled with frustration, can't work as a mechanical engineer
Society told him to be a factory worker
And to work night shifts as a security guard
The intensity of his life has left him scarred
He would abuse my mother and I with cruel words
Because his demons fly everywhere as birds
They remind him of what he has been through
Only those who know war have that clue
My daddy got shot right in his leg
By a Chetnik behind the sniper who wanted him dead
And that's why sometimes tears are painfully shed
Because all my daddy wanted to do
Was make sure that his daughter got fed
And when you hear bullets make their faithful chime
Just remember that the world is living on borrowed time (please know)
And when you hear bullets make their faithful chime
Just remember that the world is living on borrowed time (please know)
(I'm scared 'cause) this world is living on borrowed time
It doesn't matter what you do, love's covered in grime
The sniper is searching for a way to destroy our soul
People frozen, dime a dozen,
Losing every single cousin
Hate is its only goal
(I'm scared 'cause) this world is living on borrowed time
It doesn't matter what you do, love's covered in grime
The sniper is searching for a way to destroy our soul
People frozen, dime a dozen,
Losing every single cousin
Hate is its only goal
Our family was scattered throughout the entire world
As a result of the events that swirled
Classmates always bullied me for being different and unique
That's why I now have this wish to speak
About all of the heartache that I've endured
This level of anger cannot be cured
In school, I was not viewed as white enough
Somehow they believed my past was not rough
Simply because of the color of my skin
They couldn't see all the places I'd been
And that is why I now hold the magic key
To spread the message of truth
That will set our hearts free
You need to understand that this world is living on borrowed time
Because every memory demands a mental test
Like when I was taken out of Sarajevo in a bulletproof vest
People still haven't learned a damn thing
About what it means to have trust and loyalty
All they're concerned with is pop culture royalty
The Capulets and Montagues have a lesson to teach
Romeo and Juliet died 'cause their families couldn't get
That hate does not deserve to have another sunset
My family had tension stuck inside our house
Because we were innocent victims
In a game of cat and mouse
This world has a heart that's turned to stone
It is really no wonder why many people feel alone
This world is living on borrowed time
It doesn't matter what you do, love's covered in grime
The sniper is searching for a way to destroy our soul
People frozen, dime a dozen,
Losing every single cousin
Stuck in a rhyme, just biding their time
This world is living on borrowed time
It doesn't matter what you do, love's covered in grime
The sniper is searching for a way to destroy our soul
People frozen, dime a dozen,
Losing every single cousin
Stuck in a rhyme, just biding their time
This world is living on borrowed time
It doesn't matter what you do, love's covered in grime
The sniper is searching for a way to destroy our soul
People frozen, dime a dozen,
Losing every single cousin
Stuck in a rhyme, just biding their time
This world is living on borrowed time
It doesn't matter what you do, love's covered in grime
The sniper is searching for a way to destroy our soul
People frozen, dime a dozen,
Losing every single cousin
Stuck in a rhyme, just biding their time
My daddy believed it was his turn to die
The day he saw those bullets fly
My Mom has always been so strong
She told me that love is never wrong
Sometimes it takes years for justice to arise
And in the meantime, we must strive to be wise
Back when my father worked as a security guard
He met all sorts of colorful characters on Woodward
Drug dealers, gangbangers, and ladies of the night
But they were so kind to him
They are people, too, they have a story to share
They shared their food with him because they cared
You don't know the size of someone's heart
And it can be beneficial to give them a fresh start
The same invisible powers
That pull at our hearts
Compel this world to turn
Remember that the next time
You wanna see life burn


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