Nakon razvoda i anoreksije još jedan užas: Angelina Jolie može da ostane bez djeteta (FOTO)

Nakon razvoda i anoreksije još jedan užas: Angelina Jolie može da ostane bez djeteta (FOTO)
Nakon razvoda i anoreksije još jedan užas: Angelina Jolie može da ostane bez djeteta (FOTO)
Biološka majka Angelinine i Bradove kćerke Zahare moli glumicu da joj dopusti da ostvari kontakt sa svojom kćerkom koju je dala na usvajanje 2005. godine.

Biološka majka Angelinine i Bradove kćerke Zahare moli glumicu da joj dopusti da ostvari kontakt sa svojom kćerkom koju  je dala na usvajanje 2005. godine. 

"Samo želim da zna da sam živa i da želim da razgovaram sa njom. Ne želim je nazad, ali želim da budem u kontaktu sa njom, da mogu da je nazovem." - rekla je Etiopljanka

Mentaveb Davit Lebiso smatra da je Angelina odlična majka.

"Razmišljam o Zahari svaki dan i želim da čujem njen glas i vidim njeno lice. Znam kada joj je rođendan i rastužim se zbog činjenice što ne mogu da slavim sa njom." - rekla je Zaharina biološka majka. 

Lebisou javnm apelu moli Angelinu da joj dopusti da bude sa kćerkom.

Mentaveb je Zaharu dala na usvajanje 2005. godine. Djevojčicu je rodila nakon što ju je silovao nepoznati muškarac, a ona nije imala novac za abortus. 

Tada je ostavila četvoromjesečnu Zaharu i pobjegla.

Kada je Angelina usvajala Zaharu, u centru za usvajanje rekli su joj da je djevojčicina biološka majka umrla od AIDS-a.


Biological mother of #AngelinaJolie’s adopted 12 year old daughter #Zahara, demands to 'speak to her child' __ The biological mother of Angelina Jolie and #BradPitt’s adopted daughter #ZaharaJoliePitt has resurfaced and is asking to speak with the 12-year-old, who was adopted by the actress as a baby. __ #MentewabDawitLebiso, 31, who lives in #Ethiopia, talked to the #DailyMail Online through an interpreter that she never stopped thinking about her daughter after more than a decade. __ 41 year old Angelina #Jolie adopted Zahara at six months old as a single mother in 2005, and her then-partner #Pitt, 53, requested to legally adopt the girl a year later. __ Zahara's biological mother begged: “I just want her to know that I am alive and here and long to be able to speak with her. I do not want my daughter back but just to be in contact with her and be able to call her up and talk with her. __ “Angelina has been more of a mother to her than I have ever been. She has been with her since she was a baby, but that does not mean I do not miss her. I miss her all the time. I think about her every day and long to hear her voice or see her face. I know when she has a birthday but I am sad because I can’t celebrate it with her. I would so much want to celebrate with her on her birthday and other special days. … I long to be able to have regular contact with her. __ " I would ask Angelina to let me speak with [Zahara]. I do not think it is too much to ask. I would like Zahara to know she has a mother who loves her as much as Angelina. Before I die I would like her to know about me and that she has family here in Ethiopia.” __ The Ethiopian native hasn’t had any contact with Zahara since she gave her up for adoption. It seems that the A-list couple were unaware at first that Lebiso was alive because they were told Zahara was orphaned when they adopted her. __ In a 2006 interview, Jolie told CNN of Zahara, “She’s from Ethiopia, she’s an AIDS orphan.” Seems they discovered Zahara’s birth mother was alive when she gave her first interview in 2007.

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