U TRUDNOĆI SAM SE UGOJILA 36 KILOGRAMA, a onda sam ovo uradila: Salo je nestalo kao od šale i sada ovako izgledam

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U TRUDNOĆI SAM SE UGOJILA 36 KILOGRAMA, a onda sam ovo uradila: Salo je nestalo kao od šale i sada ovako izgledam

Ana-Maria Klizs iz Toronta je majka troje djce, ali posljednja trudnoća joj nije prijala. 

Ugojila se čak 63 kilograma, nakon čega nije imala ideju kako da se vrati u svoju staru kožu.

"U trećoj trudnoći uspjela sam nekako da se ugojim čak 36 kilograma. Bilo je to strašno za mene. Svaka beba ostavila je trag na mom tijelu, ali nikada nisam bila toliko gojazna. Za svoj 35. rođendan shvatila sam da moram da se promijenim. Nije samo što se sebi nisam dopadala, nisam mogla da dišem kako treba, sve mi je bilo teško da radim. Imam tri sina i tempo je bio ubitačan", ispričala je zgodna Kanađanka, a potom izumila sopstveni plan i program ishrane.

Ana je prestala da traži izgovore, i čvrsto se usmjerila na svoj novi cilj.

"Nisam slijepo pratila nijednu dijetu. To mi nikada nije polazilo za rukom. Metabolizam mi se obično poremetio, usporio kada sam držala stroge dijete. Odlučila sam se da 90 posto vremena vodim zdrav život, kako savjetuju nutricionisti, a 10 posto je bila ishrana koju volim. Nisam isključila ugljene hidrate, samo sam jela hljeb od cijelog zrna žitarica, umjesto šećera sam koristila javorov sirup, umjesto putera maslinovo ulje. I ubijedila sam sebe da svakog dana jedem velike porcije salate", objasnila je.

"Ako bih išla negde na večeru, prvo bih naručila ogromnu porciju salate, koju bih začinila sirćetom i maslinovim uljem. Kada to pojedem prvo, nema mjesta za toliko čizburgera, više nisam gladna. Unosila sam dosta vitamina i vlakana i oporavila sam se. Postepeno kako sam slabila počela sam i da vježbam. Šetam tri puta sedmično i sada imam mnogo više energije", pojasnila je ova mama, ističući da je vodila računa da proteini budu zastupljeni u svakom njenom obroku.

Takođe jela je puno voća i povrća, i slušala je svoje tijelo - nije gladovala, već je jela kada god je bila gladna. Ona je i vježbala tri puta sedmično, ali je pored toga i džogirala svako drugo jutro.

Da ova dama zaista nije gladovala, dokaz je i primjer njenog jelovnika:

Dourčak: Tost od suncokreta sa trećinom avokada, soli, biberom, tvrdo kuhano jaje, četiri komada krastavaca, šaka borovnica, i šolja kafe sa mlijekom.

Užina: Jabuka sa puterom od badema i šaka badema.

Ručak: Salata sa povrćem, parče piletine ili tune, voće po izboru.

Popodnevna užina: krekeri, humus, masline i još povrća.

Večera: slatki krompir sa čilijem i riža ili nudle

Večernja užina: grčki jogurt, granola, šumsko voće

Ana Marija danas ima preko 100.000 pratilaca na Instagramu, i svojim objavama inspiriše i podstiče ljude na promjenu, a između ostalog dijeli i različite recepte za zdrave obroke.


A different transformation Tuesday....but how amazing are our bodies?! To stretch and pull and grow babies and then feed babies. To hold them through sleepless nights, and rock them through sickness. Our arms hold them until they cannot possibility hold on any longer, and then they hold on for some more. I didn’t just start this journey because I was unhappy with my body, I did it because I realized my body was sick and lacked what it needed to keep going. I realized mentally I wasn’t in a good place and physically I was weak and tired. I deserve as much care and love as my 3 babies, I’m worth it too. And it doesn’t take anything drastic to make it healthy, it takes consistency and a bit of work every day. The @kayla_itsines @sweat app is the only program I follow. 3 days of resistance training, 3-4 days of cardio (LISS) and healthy eating as a lifestyle (for the whole family) not a diet. #transformationtuesday #bbg #bbgmoms #bbgcommunity #momof3 #momlife #momofboys #boymom PS that second photo is without a baby in it ????

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“Birds of a feather” ???? So I kind of did a thing yesterday, some of you maybe saw it on my stories. My family, myself, my present and my future too all wrapped up into one little design but forever within view now. Unlike all my other ones, this one I can actually see every day. I told myself for years that if I got a handle on my health and I got to a place where I felt proud of me I would do this, and I guess I’m there ☺️ok so what does it mean? The feather represents our family, our togetherness, Michael and I are on the stem, consistent and always there, our babies will come and go, eventually letting them shine and spread their wings, but always together nonetheless. But a reminder that each one of us is important and even when I’m old and gray and the boys are grown and starting their own families, Michael and I will still be there. That’s it ????❤️and obviously I like birds ????????#boymom #momof3 #momlife #baby #tattooedmom my tattoo was done by @alannamule from @bellwoodstattoo ????

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I did a 19km (11.8 miles) run today, about a km short of the 20 I was aiming for but given that I was up most of the night with two sick kids I gave myself a pass and walked the last k home. I know a lot of new faces around here are here from either the articles you’ve read about my journey or the Kayla feature, and I want to say “welcome”. But also I want to say that I didn’t get here overnight and there was no magic pill really that made me healthier or stronger or more in charge of my body. It was a choice I made and followed through with to be consistent with my workouts, to fuel it with healthy things and to put in the work I needed to make myself whole again. I promise to post better content in the week/days to come. But right now I’m sort of just trying to stay a float with two kids down with Hand Foot and Mouth ????????‍♀️ #runningmom #bbg #bbgmoms #halfmarathontraining oh and PS I do have a private account I post more food/fitness stuff to its @bluebird_living ????

A post shared by Ana-Maria Klizs (@bluebirdkisses) on




OK. My Beginner Running Guides are live on my blog, along with a post of course, which explains how to use them. They’re FREE and in PDF form. If you have questions, leave them on the blog post or on this Instagram post, please don’t DM questions because I might miss them, plus there are some people who don’t like to post publicly so you may be helping them by asking something too. Anyways good luck you guys! I’m very thankful to all of you for reading my blog and supporting my instagram too. I know it’s a pain in the arse to constantly “like and comment” on my photos, so this is a small way for me to give back to you, and I hope it’s helpful. The link is in my bio. #runningmom #bbgmoms #momof3 #toronto #momofboys #torontomoms #momlife #fitmoms #fitmom #blogged

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YOU GUYS! I’m so proud of myself...sort of, in like a really shallow, nonesensical, meaningless kind of way. I listened to you guys, I made a little video about my hair and makeup routine. I covered off those magical hair products I’ve been using along with other stuff. BUT the part I’m proud of is that I shot and edited the entire video on my iPhone. ???? I didn’t think it was possible but I think the quality is good. And this video is only for IGTV, nothing else. So swipe to see a little teaser and hit the little button at the top for my IGTV channel and let me know what you think! HAPPY SATURDAY! PS outfit link details are in the video description...it’s a clickable link. #liketkit #ootd #igtv #boymom #momof3

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8 week post baby unhappy Ana vs week 12 #BBG Ana. I only had one goal in February when I started all this. It was to be strong and feel happy. I love that today I can say “yes” when my 7 year old asks me to walk them both to school because I know I have the lung capacity to run to both schools and come home again. I love that I can say “yes” when my 55lb 3 year old asks me to pick him up because he’s tired of walking. I love that I can carry my baby around and still cook dinner without hurting my back. I love that I can breathe normally again, that my stomach isn’t constantly hurting me and that I have the energy to get through a day with three boys and not collapse on the couch the second they’re in bed. I love that I decided I was as important as my husband and children are and that I also matter. Because for better or worse, right now I’m kind of the glue that holds this family together and makes the wheels spin on a daily basis. I love that I’ve stuck to the @sweat program and made a lifestyle change. Bring on BBG 2.0, week 13 and onward. ☺️???????? #bbgtransformation #bbgprogress #bbgmoms #bbgcommunity #boymom #momof3 @bluebird_living @sweat @kayla_itsines

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I love dessert. LOOOOOOVE dessert. Like a lot. A ridiculous amount, a lot. But I’m eating healthier, not healthy...just “er”. That means a lot of things too many to write here but I still crave a dessert from time to time. Call them energy bites or whatever you want, I call them Peanut Butter & Dark Chocolate Bites. They don’t have added refined sugar, they’re made with DARK good for you chocolate, and they taste like Reese’s cups!!!! The recipe is up on my blog. Don’t ask how many calories are in them, I don’t count calories. I just eat food that’s good for me and tastes good. #blogged PS you can easily make these vegan by making sure you use vegan dark chocolate. You’re welcome. OHHHHH AND major GIVE-AWAY coming up today too. So stay tuned! ???????? #recipe healthy vegan

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