BIO JE GOJAZNI OTAC TROJE DJECE: Za samo šest mjeseci doživeo transformaciju života! (FOTO)

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BIO JE GOJAZNI OTAC TROJE DJECE: Za samo šest mjeseci doživeo transformaciju života! (FOTO)

Ovaj otac je primijetio da mu se težina odražava na zdravlje i odlučio je da uradi nešto povodom toga

Živimo u svijetu gdje nam je sve dostupno. Želite veliku picu sa 40 pilećih krilaca? Nema problema. Naručite i za 45 minuta je u vašoj kući. Ne želite da idete u nabavku namirnica? U redu je, neko će to učiniti umjesto vas. Mrzi vas da prošetate psa? I to je u redu, postoji gomila ljudi koja će to učiniti za vas. Ovakav način života iako je prilično zgodan, čini ljude lijeniima. Zato ne iznenađuje što je sve više ljudi gojazno. Ovaj otac je primetio da mu se težina odražava na zdravlje i odlučio je da uradi nešto povodom toga.

Džeremaja Piterson iz Montane je ponosni otac troje djece, a njegovoj transformaciji piše

Dok je planinario sa svojoj djecom, primijetio je nešto zbog čega nije bio nimalo sretan. Shvatio je da mu je zdravlje narušeno. Sa skoro 130 kg, on nije bio u stanju da uživa u životu. Gubio je dah i često je morao da pravi pauze dok je planinario sa djecom. Toliko nije bio u kondiciji da uopšte nije uživao u planinarenju.

"Umjesto da pamtim lijepe uspomene koje smo stvorili na putovanju, jedna stvar mi se iznova i iznova vrtjela u glavi. Gubio sam dah i morao sam da pravim pauze češće nego moja djeca od 9, 7 i 6 godina", kaže Džeremaja.

Te misli su mu se stalno vrtjele po glavi. Tada je riješio da se okrene zdravom životu i rezultati su fenomenalni!

Ali to nije bio lak zadatak. Džeremaja je pješačio 45 minuta prije i poslije posla i svakog dana je radio trening sa tegovima bez dana odmora!

Sada kada je promijenio svoje tijelo, on želi da inspiriše druge da takođe naprave promjenu u svom životu!

Počevši od svojih 14.500 pratilaca na Instagramu. Džeremaja redovno daje savjete ljudima kojima je potrebna motivacija da se pokrenu i preuzmu kontrolu nad životom.

Za samo 152 dana, Džeremaja je potpuno promijenio svoj život.



????????In June of this year my wife and kids were riding their bikes to school and one of my sons got a flat tire, my wife called and asked me to come help. . I didn't think anything of it and jumped in the car without my shirt on and went to help. . When I showed up to help my wife and kids were mortified that I hadn't put a shirt on and all the parents and kids where going to see my big fat belly! . I hadn't thought much about my weight gain much until that moment. . I realized in that moment that my family was embarrassed by how fat I was. . That feeling ate at me. . I knew I had to make a change. . I found the My Transphormation Challenge at @1stphorm . I wasn't sure about a challenge though. . I had all the excuses. . I run a business. I have kids. I don't have time to workout. It takes too much focus away from running the business. . What I know now? I know that my health, my strength, my confidence, my dedication, my hard work...ALL reflect deeply into my very excuses and or amply exactly what I love and value the most. . I didn't realize how lazy I had been. . How INACTIVE I was with my family until I became ACTIVE. . How much of a slacker I had been at my own own business. . This challenge has rocked my world. . I just want to thank 1st Phorm for putting this challenge out there for people like me. I want to thank you @andyfrisella for challenging me far beyond just my physical limits. I am beyond grateful for the #1stphormfamily and the enormous amounts of encouragement and support that you all have constantly given to me. # While I am happy with the changes I have made I still have work to do. More to drive for. More to accomplish. That's why I'm so grateful for the #legionofboom because I fully plan on keeping my standards higher than I ever imagined and I know I will succeed. # ???????????????????????????????????? I plan on sharing my Transphormation with you over the next few days. Please leave a comment letting me know how you think I did and if you have any questions for me don't hesitate to ask. Thank you, #1stphormphamily ???????? (Before photos July 25th and After photos today December 23rd for 150 Day

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Izgubio je nevjerovatnih 40 kilograma! Kada su ga pitali kako, on je rekao: "Svaki dan sam radio domaći zadatak".

On sigurno ima mudrosti koju vrijedi podijeliti sa drugima.


????????Today marks 169 days of my Transphormation and Everyone keeps asking me how I’m gonna celebrate my win. . At the gym they keep asking me when I’m gonna kick back and take a day off. . I just shake my head. ????????Because I’m not ready to celebrate. . I’m not done. . I feel like I just began. . I have so much more to ingrain in my psyche and mindset and routines so that I can keep succeeding. Not just on a physical level. But I’m all areas of my life. The money was definitely a doubt about that. But I’m not going to waste it. I want to invest it wisely so that financially I can keep winning from that part of the win. I still have bigger goals for where I want to take my physical routines. Routines and habits that become so ingrained that I never fall back to where I was before. . I want to keep learning. . I want to keep growing. . I want to keep running the race as if there is no finish line. I feel like I’ve gotten to this place that I never thought it was even possible. I thought I was too old. I thought this isn’t my time anymore. But then I made that decision back at the end of July... and I kept working at it. I kept proving to myself that I could. Now I feel even more hungry and inspired to keep chasing the next win, to keep learning, to keep growing, to keep reinventing and to keep creating. -I’ve got a lot more to prove. To myself. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @1stphorm #nodaysoff #100to0 #dothework #wedothework #imnotfinished #nofinishline #weightlosstransformation #iam1stphorm #neversettle #mytransphormationisnotover

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"Svaki dan koji ne proživimo punim plućima jeste gubljenje dragocjenog vremena koje nam je dato", kaže Džeremaja.

Džeremajina promena je zaista impresivna.

On je znao da mora nešto promijeniti u životu zbog svog zdravlja i to je učinio. Sada može da trči i planinske trke bez stajanja.

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